I am a terrible terrible person who does not update her journal for like a month at a time. I should be shot. Or spanked. I'll take spanked.
So, I've finished the freshman part of my education, and starting tomorrow, I'll be out on the floor with two weeks to finish up everything that I didn't complete in the freshman room, and then I begin working on clients. I'm excited. I have to to a 1:1 Fine weave on my mother. She's gonna have 20 extra pounds of foils on her head when I'm done with her. And because I'm so damned slow at foiling, I'm gonna have to go back and drop all the foils in the back to keep from melting her hair off. Bleah. But I'll never get faster unless I do it. Alot of it. All the time. Anyone out there need anything done? Haircuts, haircolors, highlights, manicures, pedicures? Anything? Just don't ask me to do an up-do. I can't use a marcel iron to save my life. I'm actually making business cards for my time of the floor, so that I have something to give to potential clients to get them in the salon. Why not start marketing myself now? I can take those clients with me when I finish up and get into a real salon.
By the way: the school director has told us that he has added an additional 200 hours to the Elite curriculum to keep us occupied during the wait to take the state board exam. Currently enrolled students are not required to take the Level 6 classes, as those 200 extra hours are known, although if we do, we are not subject to a tuition increase! I think that's pretty cool. I think I'm gonna take 'em personally.
And the sign-up for the London Trip is tomorrow. I have to be at school at the ass-crack of dawn to sign up. And I do mean the ASS-CRACK. only 100 students between both 250-student school locations can go. I'm also writing a check that my bank account can not cash. Thank goodness, they're not cashing the checks until July 1st.
Going to Prom this weekend with Aegies Should be fun. My broke ass still managed to get a hotel room for Saturday night. Thank goodness for credit cards, is all I say.
I am still unemployed. I am praying for Sephora to hire me. I've had two interviews, and they are supposedly checking my character references.
Please God. Let them hire me. Please. I deserve better then to be unemployed.
So, I've finished the freshman part of my education, and starting tomorrow, I'll be out on the floor with two weeks to finish up everything that I didn't complete in the freshman room, and then I begin working on clients. I'm excited. I have to to a 1:1 Fine weave on my mother. She's gonna have 20 extra pounds of foils on her head when I'm done with her. And because I'm so damned slow at foiling, I'm gonna have to go back and drop all the foils in the back to keep from melting her hair off. Bleah. But I'll never get faster unless I do it. Alot of it. All the time. Anyone out there need anything done? Haircuts, haircolors, highlights, manicures, pedicures? Anything? Just don't ask me to do an up-do. I can't use a marcel iron to save my life. I'm actually making business cards for my time of the floor, so that I have something to give to potential clients to get them in the salon. Why not start marketing myself now? I can take those clients with me when I finish up and get into a real salon.
By the way: the school director has told us that he has added an additional 200 hours to the Elite curriculum to keep us occupied during the wait to take the state board exam. Currently enrolled students are not required to take the Level 6 classes, as those 200 extra hours are known, although if we do, we are not subject to a tuition increase! I think that's pretty cool. I think I'm gonna take 'em personally.
And the sign-up for the London Trip is tomorrow. I have to be at school at the ass-crack of dawn to sign up. And I do mean the ASS-CRACK. only 100 students between both 250-student school locations can go. I'm also writing a check that my bank account can not cash. Thank goodness, they're not cashing the checks until July 1st.
Going to Prom this weekend with Aegies Should be fun. My broke ass still managed to get a hotel room for Saturday night. Thank goodness for credit cards, is all I say.
I am still unemployed. I am praying for Sephora to hire me. I've had two interviews, and they are supposedly checking my character references.
Please God. Let them hire me. Please. I deserve better then to be unemployed.
Give me a call sometime.