Well, I fly back to Sacramento tomorrow. All around this trip has been more about relaxing rather then running around going "SQUEEEE! Manhattan!" like I did last time. It sorta had to be since I was sick when I got off the plane this time, where as last time, I caught the plauge from walking around in the rain. Seriously, I was sick for about 2 months with something or other when I got back last time. To this day Aegies swears I came back with SARS.
Thursday when I got off the plane, my friend picked me up from JFK and we went to a diner in Queens and got breakfast. But not before I stepped unknowingly into a stray pile of dirty frozen snow that piled up on what serves as a curb on this side of the country and nearly fell flat on my ass. And then I nearly did the same thing again when I got back into the car!
After a nap, we went to Queens Center to be mallrats. We dug through the SG coffee table book which Angelica had bought for me, and which Maryanne promptly attempted to steal, telling my friends what I knew about a few of the girls, and what I thought of various sets, tattoos, and so on, and this talk was very animated of course, because I was scheduled to do a shoot with the wonderful and super-cute Mr. tmronin.
After the mall, Sara and I went back to her house. I had a shower, and attempted to pass out. Unfortunately the fever I was running prevented me from sleeping. I ended up spending all day Friday in bed. The girls all came to visit me that night at Sara's house. I also made a point of calling tmronin no matter how badly I felt, because he'd told me he was going to Vermont for the weekend to snowwboard, and I also wanted to let him know that I had made it here alive.
To make a long story short, the shoot was moved to Saturday for a variety of reasons, and so I, hideously ill though I was still mustered up the testicles to take my clothing off out-of-doors in March on the roof of a 12 story building in Manhattan.
I had a great time, and I loved everything he shot. We hung out for a while afterwards, and hiked around the east villiage a bit. I sincerely hope that I've made a new friend, because in short (although he isn't; 6 foot 4, I beleive) he rawks.
We also went to a vintage store called Love Saves the Day. I was kinda sorta-SG Prom dress shopping, and I did buy something. It's really pretty and fits well except for one tiny detail. The bust is made for someone who measures a b cup, or so. I'm a large C/Small D, so I spill out the sides of the halter-style top. Oh well. Twas only $15.
On Sunday I did manage to find that tattoo shop that my beloved piercer Gary had wanted me to find, and I aquired for him the requested t-shirts, plus one for myself, of course! We're gonna have dinner in Little Italy tonight, and then go to the place next to CBGBs (which they tell me is actually attached and part of CBs as well) for dancing. I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. Perhaps I get up reasonably early and wander around Manhattan. You'll not be hearing from me again probably until wednesday, so until then my filthy assistants, I bid you good day!
Thursday when I got off the plane, my friend picked me up from JFK and we went to a diner in Queens and got breakfast. But not before I stepped unknowingly into a stray pile of dirty frozen snow that piled up on what serves as a curb on this side of the country and nearly fell flat on my ass. And then I nearly did the same thing again when I got back into the car!
After a nap, we went to Queens Center to be mallrats. We dug through the SG coffee table book which Angelica had bought for me, and which Maryanne promptly attempted to steal, telling my friends what I knew about a few of the girls, and what I thought of various sets, tattoos, and so on, and this talk was very animated of course, because I was scheduled to do a shoot with the wonderful and super-cute Mr. tmronin.
After the mall, Sara and I went back to her house. I had a shower, and attempted to pass out. Unfortunately the fever I was running prevented me from sleeping. I ended up spending all day Friday in bed. The girls all came to visit me that night at Sara's house. I also made a point of calling tmronin no matter how badly I felt, because he'd told me he was going to Vermont for the weekend to snowwboard, and I also wanted to let him know that I had made it here alive.
To make a long story short, the shoot was moved to Saturday for a variety of reasons, and so I, hideously ill though I was still mustered up the testicles to take my clothing off out-of-doors in March on the roof of a 12 story building in Manhattan.
I had a great time, and I loved everything he shot. We hung out for a while afterwards, and hiked around the east villiage a bit. I sincerely hope that I've made a new friend, because in short (although he isn't; 6 foot 4, I beleive) he rawks.
We also went to a vintage store called Love Saves the Day. I was kinda sorta-SG Prom dress shopping, and I did buy something. It's really pretty and fits well except for one tiny detail. The bust is made for someone who measures a b cup, or so. I'm a large C/Small D, so I spill out the sides of the halter-style top. Oh well. Twas only $15.
On Sunday I did manage to find that tattoo shop that my beloved piercer Gary had wanted me to find, and I aquired for him the requested t-shirts, plus one for myself, of course! We're gonna have dinner in Little Italy tonight, and then go to the place next to CBGBs (which they tell me is actually attached and part of CBs as well) for dancing. I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. Perhaps I get up reasonably early and wander around Manhattan. You'll not be hearing from me again probably until wednesday, so until then my filthy assistants, I bid you good day!
[Edited on Mar 13, 2005 4:16PM]