So, a few days after come back from vacation, I developed a UTI. There were multiple contributing factors, and any woman who's ever had one, or any guy who's ever dated a girl who has had one knows what they and I don't need to go in to the gory details. If you DON'T know, Google it for gods sake.
I aquired free illicit but still reliable antibiotics of the correct kind fellicitated by my beloved roommate Miss
Lobster_Mobster. I start taking them. Things get better. I no longer find a trip to the potty to be a singularly almarming event. Life is good.
four days later: I come down with.... something. I don't know what it is. My sinuses are on fire and I'm coughing like crazy. I leave Sephora early on thursday because I feel like I have the bastard child of the Avian Flu and the Sinus Infection from hell. I take some pain killers and pass out. Friday morning arrives, and I'm okay! So I get up and go to Aerosoles, taking some sudaphed and ibuprofen before I leave. I'm there for three hours and once again, my sinues are on fire. I leave an hour early. I go to the store purchase soup and more medication. Among the medication I purchase is a bottle of cough syrup because by now I sound like I'm trying to forcibly expell one or possibly both of my lungs. Whne I get home from the store, I take all my pills including my continuing course of antibiotics with a deep swig of the cough syrup straight from the bottle.
Yes, I drink cough syrup from the bottle. Anyone who has known me for any length of time has seen this happen. It grossed
Aegies out, and
Moirae was slightly nonplussed the first time he saw me do it, Nonetheless, this is what I always do. I remarked to
Moirae after that first swig that they had changed the flavor of the cough syrup.
Less then five minutes pass and my stomach is ON FIRE. It feels like someone has dumped boiling acid in there. Eventually it subsides, and then I realize that I must absolutely go to the bathroom right that second. I figure the bathroom escapades are due to living on nothing but soup for two days- very little solids to speak off. Eventually even that tapers off, and we go to sleep.
The next morning- It's about eight. I wake up, take my pills, and another swig of the cough syrup. The same stomach buring returns, and I'm in the bathroom lickety-split. Once that set of bathroom escapades was over, I called in sick to work, and then spent probably three hours having halucinatory dreams. Something about being at work, and every container containing the same product, but with different lables. And also, poison chocolate, and the spontanious reagrangement of our appartment so that
Lobster_Mobster's room was where our closet is, and and the door to the kitchen was on a different wall....nevermind.
The cough syrup has since been deposited in the trash,
I spent 90% of Saturday in bed. This morning I woke up feeling okay. So I climb into the shower anticipating a long day at work- lo and behold: I am covered in hives. From scalp to toes.
I have no idea what caused the hives. I already have bad seasonal allergies- that's a possibility. The dodgy cough syrup? Equally possible. Addtionaly: I have never taken the anti-biotic Septra before, and my MOTHER is terribly allergic to it- and like her I am allergic to pencillian and cortisone.
And finally the rediculous part: because I am rightfully distrustful of medication at this point I sought out a natrual remedy. I spent about 30 minutes coated in green mud infused with lavender essential oil. It was very rediculous to behold. There is a poloroid- I may or may not ever post it.
You're better, I hope?
The lavender mud sounds awesome, if nothing else.