Vacation time! Febaury 15 - 17th
$1,000 tax return: Check
Hotel reservations: Check
Dinner reservations at swanky resturant (Which I've had for three months): Check
More wine then we should drink in 3 days (6 bottles +1 bottle of port +1 bottle of champange): Check
3 pounds of chocolate: Check
Lots of cheese: half way check- need more
Still need: New outfit for swanky restarant, new garter belt, salami, keibasa, lox, black berries, cashews, crackers, more cheese, banannas, bagels, french bread.... dunno what else. Must go to store!
$1,000 tax return: Check
Hotel reservations: Check
Dinner reservations at swanky resturant (Which I've had for three months): Check
More wine then we should drink in 3 days (6 bottles +1 bottle of port +1 bottle of champange): Check
3 pounds of chocolate: Check
Lots of cheese: half way check- need more
Still need: New outfit for swanky restarant, new garter belt, salami, keibasa, lox, black berries, cashews, crackers, more cheese, banannas, bagels, french bread.... dunno what else. Must go to store!