Eh...the "date" went OK. I think he is too straight laced for my tatses. He's a nice person and all, but I tend to imagine I am way too bohemian for him. It's cool, as I wasn't really expecting anything spectacular anyways.
I am waiting and waiting to see if I got that waitressing job. TOmorrow I am going to my alma mater, to get to there career room to see if I can find something for myself. UGH! This is hard!
Hope you all are doing swell, sexy and wonderful!
I am waiting and waiting to see if I got that waitressing job. TOmorrow I am going to my alma mater, to get to there career room to see if I can find something for myself. UGH! This is hard!
Hope you all are doing swell, sexy and wonderful!

sorry about the bad date... good luck on the job search... where you gonna waitress? hoepfully someplace where you can make some good dough... my girl is a waitress at this restaurant on Grand, and she makes crap.. but, she can't complain because it's right down the street from our house..
relationships are for suckers... lol