So, went on a date of sorts Saturday. Very low key. At the end of the hang out, he told me something to the effect that one of his female friends was jealous he was going to meet me., he is either telling me this because he wasn't into me and just couldn't find an honest way of saying so, or he wanted to make it seem he was a hot catch and that others' want him. I really don't care either way. he is cute an interesting, but I'm not gonna fret if someone isn't into me. Their loss.

Do you get the penny saver in Oakland? I usually check it out to find rummage sales and estate sales. Rummage sales are scarce (I only find local rummage sales once every month or two) but they have the best stuff and cheap prices! My theory of them having the best stuff is that it's usually at church's and the ladies (usually older ladies) there get rid of stuff from their closets which usually always includes vintage jems!
His loss indeed! You're darling!