Well Its almost midnight here in singapore and yes im still at an air port trying to get back home and see my new fiance! but good things come those who wait . . .pfffft i dirent even keep a straight face im not one for delayed gratafication for the most part. but out of all the air ports i could be stuck i can imagine a better one the people are friendly, and free internet, cable tv, and beer, woo hoo. yeah i had a few Shark and Vodkas ((Shark is like a stronger better tasting red bull)) and im sitting here in on the laptop desk provided and desided to get away from the addictive facebook, and its stupid addictve poker and farmville games. and blog, about my trip so far, well last i left you when i was in Heathrow Int air port on my way to Mumbai, i speent 12hours in that air port and the air con and wi-fi dirent work, and the staff was just well not nice. then i got on a plane sat in the runway baking for 30 minutes, then finally we got on the way and due to a wind we arrived here to Singapore late, and missed the flight wich i wanted to change the flight im now getting on in the morning for. so then i ended up stuck here, excesse baggage again, but eh its all good theres a 24hr burger king, and a 24hr noodle place, kinda in the mood for curry, though, so while i was walking around the air port there was Chick at the bar and like 3 guys where all talking to her and she was ohh look at me im so hot oh yeah im gods gift to men blah blah and i just got my free alchol and moved on, later on i saw her walking doing the full on striper walk, only for her not to realise then when she pulled her mini skirt up the toilet seat guard came up with it i was in stiches laughin at her cause she seriouly thought every one was looking at her and her skank walk.lol finally she noticed led out a urgghhh covered her face and ran on some where, also whats up with the food prices at air ports and train stations its high way robbery it what that is i got a burger and much better tasting by the way at a T.G.I Frifdays in guildford then got the same buger on the air port T.G.I Fridays and it was 5 quid more expensive smaller and less chips. WTF?? and then when the air hostes offfer you a drink if you say anything that does not have alchol you get this tiny litle plastic cup, and if you get a gin an tonic the pour the whole can of soda, orange juice, whater ever in?/ but ask for a water the pull out a bottle and the pour you some on a cup. yeah well anyways i cant wait to get back to japan and sleep, in a nice big bed then clean my place up for my super special guest this weekend. lol well c ya.
P.S. To the Perverted Bird in T3 at heathrow thanks for the magazines.
P.S. To the Perverted Bird in T3 at heathrow thanks for the magazines.
Thank you! Gizmo is a cutie! If you want to purchase your buddies some, I'd be more than happy to send them to you!