Yesterday I got Shanghied to a Hawaiian BBQ at my friends house out here in Japan it was in Ome, it was nice they actually had a pit aka hole in the ground to cook the full pig they also had steaks, and chicken, and soy and tons of vegetables for our vegeterian friends and yes they where cooked or grilled in diferent grills. and yes there was tons of alchol i personaly have not drunk so much alchol since college, but i had fun it was nice to hang out with my old friend from High School, hes from Hawaii HUGUE samoan kid, I remember every one in high school was scared of him he was 14 and he was almost 6 ft tall and close to 200 plus lbs. I was the 1st friend he made the he was there a whole year before me, I remember we where picking teams for some stupid gym class and i picked him as the "Flying Hawaiien" they where like why the "flying Hawaiien" im like cause dude gots a vertical jump of 2 inches. every one thought i was a dead man, he just lol and say wow your the 1st person to treat me like a high schooler, im like so your only 14 like me, who cares your a bahemoth, after that we became really close friends, after high school he moved back to hawaii, and we kind of stayed in touch he later then moed out here to Japan as a Race Car Tunner and opend his own shop,, hes merried now with this tiny litle japanese girl i think he picked the smallest cutest girl he could find out here lol. and his lil brother was out there to, along with some other american friends of his and other ppls from the paradise islands. I got drunk, and when i get drunk i like to talk or dance or both but no dancin was going on so that left the later i caught up with my old friends, talked Bolos lil brother out of joining the Military, I dirent lie to him just told him the truth, "Its a Job and depends on what your job is you will be deployed for a long time or a longer time and you will be in danger, and if your Lucky enough, and good enough at your job, and the person next to you remembers to fire in the same direction every one else shooting at or once the bussiness end of his weapon is actually facing out the Humvs window and no the back of your seat, you win a price and that price is you get to come home to an Unfaithfull wife, a Kid who dosent recognise you, and an ungreatfull nation, and to make it better you get to personaly deliver the letters you mates out there gave you, to deliver to their Faithfull wifes, parents, kids, just in case they came home in a box, then you get 2 weeks off, work for 6 months train for 3 and get to do it all over again." he said then why do you do it? " I told him meaby if im the one out there there will be one less widow, one less kid who dosent only know their parent from a picture on a mantle, one less parent who has to burry their child thats why i go out there for my fellow Brothers in arms wheter they be Army, Navy, Marines,Air Force, British Allies or NATO, I know this is going to sound verry cliche to every one and i know it might be but i then said These things i do that others may live... Plain and simple." he then looked up at the sky took a drink from his corona and said "thanks Brotha in his heavy island accent" so with that I hope he goes to college, his parents already had to burry the midle brother, I had to give his widow the letter he gave me before he went out. not a happy day, I still call her and his parent from time to time to see how they are doing, i dont know if it helps or makes them fell better or worse. then after that, i just sat there and my mate came up to me with and evil bottle of absithe and some sugar spoons, so me and her did a few shoots, then had to explain to the party ppl why i courent play Strip beer pong, after that i just kinda speend the night out the front watching the ppl who where not drinking do stuns on their bikes up and down the street and just chilling with some good old friends i had not seen in a long time, strangest thing happend though after i got home went on my Skype date, (yes i know her in RL its not and internet romance) i eat some bacon and english muffins and went to sleep, then woke up 3hrs later. been Up since then and i work a 12hr shift tonite. lol fun times!! well i hope you all have fun safe weekend.

Have a wonderful wekend, too!