So yesterday Im actually getting some chores done aourn my flat , when my cell rings its my friend hes like "hey guess what I just bought a jigster but I dont know how to ride it if i pick you up get you lunch can you drive it home for me and teach me to ride it" So I at that point i stoped being a responsible adult and said hell yeah. so a few minutes later he picks me up we go to the what i thought would be the dealership but no he bought it from a race shop so the bike was already all moded and nice, Its a GSXR1000 with allot of modifications to it all it needs is a `12'Oklock bar and Its a full on stunt bike but it has a some allot of get up aswell since it was fitted with a turbo, from a Hayabusa, and then some engine work, well any ways im having a blast riding this thing down the streets of Tokyo, till I hit a puddle of water and allmost dump the bike, at that point i desided to take all my jewlery dont wana jack it up if i fall they where a gift and if i ruin them by wreking a bike they wont be to happy about it. well any ways we finaly get out of the crowded streets of Tokyo no furter insidents, and get out to the cuntry in the Iruma prefecture where i do a few stunts to show my friend how they where done while he takes a few pictures of me and what not. ((pictures are in the attacements)) so then we ride back to my place and then go down and hit the local bar scene he insists on taking his helmet with him to the bars even though the bike is back at my place, anyways we get drunk to say least i make a drunk phone call always fun!, and then ask him to take a few pictures of me on the bike lol to conmemorate the octaion of him buying a bike whay out of his skill lv. then he walks his bike home and I come up to my place an try and start some drunk chores. some how i managed to move all my bedroom furniture and put in and asemble the new one with no Randome drunken injuries. riding the bike made me realise how much i love riding even after wreking 2 bikes deying almost once its still in my blood Drifting my FC is fun and but its not the same for some reason, its in my blood i guess. so now im on the look out for a bike of my own meaby im not going to go all out like i did on my second bike ((Hayabusa, completly moded I would take to the Dollar Drags in TX and no matter what car/ bike i was pit against i killed it with out leaving 4th gear including super sports cars Ferraris, Lamborgini. etc)) but some thing nice to scrach that itch i have, from time to time.

haha!! love it 

thank u=)