Alrighty, haven't updated in a while. Better fill ya in. I still can't find a date, still jaming on a bass gutiar, and still working on cars. I have to get rid of my small little truck though. Need to find something better. Just what to do in the next few days, I don't know. Happy Thanksgiving you all.
So, it's almost time for holloween. I decided to do a tribute to my favorite Disney ride that Haunted Mansion and dress up my house and my self to suit the part for holloween. What have ya'll done? ("Don't know, don't care. Next member...")
So, another weekend comes. What shall I do this weekend. Work. It's not that I don't like work, it's just I can't stand working with a$$holes. Well, if anyones got ideas of what I shall do, write.
So, another week. I went to Islands of Adventure (Universal Studios, Orlando) yesterday with my friends. Had fun. Saw alot of cool things. Got wet. Have a general good time.
Alright, so it's sunday night. Here I am, sitting with nothing to do. Doesn't that suck? ("Why, yes, that's extremely sad.") Anyways, so what should I do?? ("DKDC.")
Well, another weekend is here. Glad to see it. Man, was work ever a hassel. Anywoo, going to go out this weekend. Might find a date. Might not. Hopeing I do. Thanks for writing to me, btw. Anyway, have a great day. Stay alive floks!
Well, started today on this profile. Hope people read it. Or at least the SG girls. Would totally suck if no one did....
People might read it, SG's probably won't read it.

Infidel mad