weird weid dream...started out with me being part of this ship crew and we captured this boy...(it was some blond boy with sorta dreads that almost stoof as tall as me..and his name started with an A...)..but i whisper in his ear not to worry and that i'm planing to escape tonight and i'm letting him go later that night there is a meeting which i slip away from..and the boy is right outside so i tell him it's time to he runs off.. and then it's my turn to get out of i start sneaking away but the meeting broke up and people are leaving so i grab this branch to hide me... and sit on the ground..(now this branch doesn't cover al of me...and i sit there waiting for them to leave when all of the sudden the tree looses all of it's leave so someone sitting next to me puts their coat over me so i won't get seen ..but i get caught by the the capatain starts chasing me but he turns into a freaking clown and has dumbo from the disney movies as his sidekick...and they were trying to kill me ...for letting one of the human crewmembers escape (the boy)from their ship get away... so there they are chasing me around and what not..and then i get the wolf mayor to chase them for a bit until they kill then the clown has me cornered i told i could free him ad cut open his suit with my keys and then he was alright...
then i'm on the ship and kicked into the ocean or i'm trying to escape from the ship and i am still the smae age i am now..but out of nowhere the same boy that i let get away is now a man and has long blond dreads..he is taller than me and lean and toned..and he confessses his love for me...but i was like your way younger than me..and he is like age doesn't matter...we kiss and what not...then it turns into us having a kid but it a potato without skin on it and he is out working most of the time..and the potato is suppose to get me ready for having a little girl...but ever since he rescued me thing have gone down hil and the relathionship is on the he thinks that a kid will help i go on taking care of the potato..then my mom and grandma appear in my dream and keep going off at me about how to take car ofthe "child" and i just yell at them that i don't need their help..and i take my eye of the potato child for onsecond and then my grandmothers dog hops up on the table and smashes it..i start crying and saying that he is gonna be mad at me...and that ididn't want this...
all of the sudden the dream changes to where i live on the beach in a beach house with the same guy but he has short shoulder length blond dreads..and things are happpyand we live on the beach is a nice beach house... it turns out we have two twin boys aaround the age of 7 ...with shaggy brown hair..and they are at the table coloring..then i tell them it's time for bed...and all of the sudden some man with guns breaks down our screen i rush the children into the living room and trying to call 911 but for some reaosn i keep screwing up...and all the while the cute boyman witht he dreads is trying to protect his family...and the man with the guns(looked like he had long dark brown hair witha short beard that was also brown and had crazy brown eyes..and was about 6ft something)..istrying to kill our children...for reason i don' know...i get through 911 ...and tell them what is going on....and then i lunge at the man cause he was aiming the guns at my i i get the guns from the man an i shoo him but it' a fake gun..then he pulls out another gun..and i get that from him too and it wasa fake one also...but the third one he has is a real one and it's one of the small i just unload the bullets into his head..adn there was about 6 shots..then the police came..and were wondering if everything was alright...and then i nocticed the kids were missing...and my husband said that they weere hiding in the ceiling and got up there throught the we get the kids out of there and then everything is fine...everything goes back to normal...but..the kids tell us the man put something inside each of their heads that will blow their heads up in the next 24hrs unless i freak out and call 911 again ..but i didn't have trouble calling it this time...and tell them what happened and that we are at the paris theater...i hang up and we take out kids into the paris theater cause they are showing something that kidshave been wanting to see forever..adn i think it's the rocky horror picture show...and me and my husband are dreasses up in black outfits and have velevet black cloaks on...and the dream ends when we go insid ethe theater..
ok i know that is a long journal entry but that wasa long weird ass dream
anywho 84 days left
then i'm on the ship and kicked into the ocean or i'm trying to escape from the ship and i am still the smae age i am now..but out of nowhere the same boy that i let get away is now a man and has long blond dreads..he is taller than me and lean and toned..and he confessses his love for me...but i was like your way younger than me..and he is like age doesn't matter...we kiss and what not...then it turns into us having a kid but it a potato without skin on it and he is out working most of the time..and the potato is suppose to get me ready for having a little girl...but ever since he rescued me thing have gone down hil and the relathionship is on the he thinks that a kid will help i go on taking care of the potato..then my mom and grandma appear in my dream and keep going off at me about how to take car ofthe "child" and i just yell at them that i don't need their help..and i take my eye of the potato child for onsecond and then my grandmothers dog hops up on the table and smashes it..i start crying and saying that he is gonna be mad at me...and that ididn't want this...
all of the sudden the dream changes to where i live on the beach in a beach house with the same guy but he has short shoulder length blond dreads..and things are happpyand we live on the beach is a nice beach house... it turns out we have two twin boys aaround the age of 7 ...with shaggy brown hair..and they are at the table coloring..then i tell them it's time for bed...and all of the sudden some man with guns breaks down our screen i rush the children into the living room and trying to call 911 but for some reaosn i keep screwing up...and all the while the cute boyman witht he dreads is trying to protect his family...and the man with the guns(looked like he had long dark brown hair witha short beard that was also brown and had crazy brown eyes..and was about 6ft something)..istrying to kill our children...for reason i don' know...i get through 911 ...and tell them what is going on....and then i lunge at the man cause he was aiming the guns at my i i get the guns from the man an i shoo him but it' a fake gun..then he pulls out another gun..and i get that from him too and it wasa fake one also...but the third one he has is a real one and it's one of the small i just unload the bullets into his head..adn there was about 6 shots..then the police came..and were wondering if everything was alright...and then i nocticed the kids were missing...and my husband said that they weere hiding in the ceiling and got up there throught the we get the kids out of there and then everything is fine...everything goes back to normal...but..the kids tell us the man put something inside each of their heads that will blow their heads up in the next 24hrs unless i freak out and call 911 again ..but i didn't have trouble calling it this time...and tell them what happened and that we are at the paris theater...i hang up and we take out kids into the paris theater cause they are showing something that kidshave been wanting to see forever..adn i think it's the rocky horror picture show...and me and my husband are dreasses up in black outfits and have velevet black cloaks on...and the dream ends when we go insid ethe theater..
ok i know that is a long journal entry but that wasa long weird ass dream
anywho 84 days left

hee hee.... thats the best dream ive heard in a while.....
so- how do i set up an email big enough to hold all the photos? i can t wait!!!! they should be ready by now!!!!! yeippie!!!!!
hope you had a good weekend!