i swear to god i have the weirdest dreams...this time it had to do with saving the world fomr some sortof darkness...but also i was me in this dream but i was also a fighter....there was wizard that the people i was with that was our leader....the was also a part of the dream i remember that i had to steal swords form the store and what not..and one of the owners was like on't steal and trying to chase me....but the other owner is like bha it don't matterit's the end of the world let her have them...so yeah i ran out of the storewith a sitload of swords without ever cutting myself with them...but later in the dream something cam up that was called the Dark Rainbow..that the light and dark sides were both afraid of.......snd near the end of the dream the group of people i was with ending staying in this huge hotel...and people from all over that were goo and knew magic came there to seek refuge...but some of them i could sense were not all good...but i could get to the wizard leader to tell him..so i showed thi elf /human couple to their rooms..and then these huge bugs crashed into teh hotel and it was people fromt he dark side threating us..so for som reason i was able to run fast and jump overthem..i do remember i kicked one of the off their bug..and then i sliped and fell but these huge stuffed animals save me ..it a was pink elephants trunk that caught me..and then i ran off...i also had this samuri sword that was my sword...it had a cherry red sheath ...and handle...with japanese designs all over it.... ..
and that is all i remember
but for some reason in any dream i ever have....i always have a japanese samuri sword or seomthing like it....that always has cherry bloossoms carved into the seath and handle...
weird eh?
anywho..i am up..rambling about my dreams...still look for someone to do my hair cause i am Broke...and wondering if someone out of the kindness of their heart would cut my hair ...cause i need it cut before prom..merf
who knows a person that interprits dreams?
oh and 86 days left to the big 2 1
and that is all i remember
but for some reason in any dream i ever have....i always have a japanese samuri sword or seomthing like it....that always has cherry bloossoms carved into the seath and handle...
weird eh?

anywho..i am up..rambling about my dreams...still look for someone to do my hair cause i am Broke...and wondering if someone out of the kindness of their heart would cut my hair ...cause i need it cut before prom..merf

who knows a person that interprits dreams?
oh and 86 days left to the big 2 1
someone should adapt that into a movie! 

in most of my dreams i have two blue kitanas with dragons on them and in my dreams everyone calls me kiroki. im a demon from the darkest depths of hell i guess...pretty cool huh *L*.... whats really weird is i found a kitana that was exactly like the ones i had in my dreams and i wanted to buy it but i couldnt *pouts*