blah i feel like shit i think i am getting sick.and all that cigerette smoke really fucked with my allergies...maybe i shouldn't go the sg event because of that...
anyway it was fun and what not...fell asleep in stewd's floorwith corvos and swingkitten..and we had to wake up and take the maxx to each of our homble abouds....anyway i'm gonna go pass out to you folks later
the eyes are the window to the soul..can you see it?
91 days left till the big 21!!

anyway it was fun and what not...fell asleep in stewd's floorwith corvos and swingkitten..and we had to wake up and take the maxx to each of our homble abouds....anyway i'm gonna go pass out to you folks later
the eyes are the window to the soul..can you see it?
91 days left till the big 21!!

and my new favourite tattoo artist (craig driscoll) might be making a roadtrip to portland. his SG member name is fivetwo - he's VERY well known!