me and the boy have been thinking about moving to seattle...cause it seems like there is more job opertunities up there for some reason..and he really likes it up there..i don't know i want to though..cause it will be starting over again...cause i would have to make new friends(which i don't know if i want to put any effort in the since most people never turn out to be any good friends)..learn the bus system..which is a such a pain in the ass to do..i would be even further from my family...but then again i will have more job freedom and be living in a bigger city.
it's just a thought we are batting around rght now..
i'm thinking maybe i might start school if we did move up there...but then again i don't know if i would get that much money from financial aid...and i also don't know how good their planned parenthood is either..merf
anyway today i will go apply by the two starbucks by me cause they pay good and i will get health care from them..i just hope i get a job there...cause for some reason i really want to try to be a barista...
oh and you people have way to many butter stories hehe
oh and if any of you that live in portland or gresham have an job tips be sure to tell me eh?
plus i have been thinking about getting some hair extentions cause i want long hair again and i am getting in the inbetween phase of growingmy hair out..where you have no idea how to style it or what to do with it.
now that i have drooled over Jia's set i have and uber crush on her and her eyes are so hypnotizing...i think i just might use her for a painting...hmmmm
it's just a thought we are batting around rght now..
i'm thinking maybe i might start school if we did move up there...but then again i don't know if i would get that much money from financial aid...and i also don't know how good their planned parenthood is either..merf
anyway today i will go apply by the two starbucks by me cause they pay good and i will get health care from them..i just hope i get a job there...cause for some reason i really want to try to be a barista...
oh and you people have way to many butter stories hehe
oh and if any of you that live in portland or gresham have an job tips be sure to tell me eh?
plus i have been thinking about getting some hair extentions cause i want long hair again and i am getting in the inbetween phase of growingmy hair out..where you have no idea how to style it or what to do with it.
now that i have drooled over Jia's set i have and uber crush on her and her eyes are so hypnotizing...i think i just might use her for a painting...hmmmm

cute and innocent, yeah yeah yeah.
Lots of weapons will be involved. I have many swords, axes and flails, so you'll be spoilt for choice!