welll i am home...didn't do much ...went to the montage for dinner and had the old mac...which isn't settle quite right with my stomach..
then went to devil's point to see if mia was there but i guess she took off early..*shrugs* oh well
then went to krispy kreams..oo those are some good doughnuts!! and worth the wait in line.
now i just got finish giving my cat a bath with the flea soap cause those pesky fleas are back again..grrr
b/f is leaving this weekend to somewhere so i have to figure out something to do with myself...maybe i will got get some pants woot woot
hmm...weird thing i have been noticing about myself is that when i was trying to break myself out of being a hobbit i found out reasons why i was becoming one in the first place...it's because i don't belong anywhere..no really i don't
blargh which sucks..but yeah ..time to go back to being a hobbit..maybe..i don't know i have a eroticbpm function to go to on saturday and one of the models for the site is gonna give me a ride..and it's the one i totaly am in awe of...she's just so gorgeous..and then fridya i am gonna go see the gallery show at Gallery Binks ..it's of the guy that makes all those obey posters you always see around portland and then maybe some pants like i said...i think i might be able to use my discount(whichs was 40%) at levi's cause i use to work there..or that is what my friend tells me that still work there...plus i am gonna get a letter of recomendation from my former manager Tara
anywho...thak you all to who still care about me and comment on my journal and leave testimonials...

then went to devil's point to see if mia was there but i guess she took off early..*shrugs* oh well
then went to krispy kreams..oo those are some good doughnuts!! and worth the wait in line.
now i just got finish giving my cat a bath with the flea soap cause those pesky fleas are back again..grrr

b/f is leaving this weekend to somewhere so i have to figure out something to do with myself...maybe i will got get some pants woot woot
hmm...weird thing i have been noticing about myself is that when i was trying to break myself out of being a hobbit i found out reasons why i was becoming one in the first place...it's because i don't belong anywhere..no really i don't
blargh which sucks..but yeah ..time to go back to being a hobbit..maybe..i don't know i have a eroticbpm function to go to on saturday and one of the models for the site is gonna give me a ride..and it's the one i totaly am in awe of...she's just so gorgeous..and then fridya i am gonna go see the gallery show at Gallery Binks ..it's of the guy that makes all those obey posters you always see around portland and then maybe some pants like i said...i think i might be able to use my discount(whichs was 40%) at levi's cause i use to work there..or that is what my friend tells me that still work there...plus i am gonna get a letter of recomendation from my former manager Tara
anywho...thak you all to who still care about me and comment on my journal and leave testimonials...

im sleep deprived and cant manage anything whittier then that. hope the job thing pulls through for you.