Well it's almost my friday and I am sure glad that this week is over. It has been a rough week with work and being sick and my grandpa is not doing well. But things will get better. Unfortuantly my second set was rejected. I guess I have a lot more to work on and learn. I am hoping to get some advice on my makeup. I am thinking that with my next set I will use a lot more natural lighting and see if that makes a difference. Hopefully it will help. Well I will talk to you beautiful people later.

You definitely need to keep trying because I think you'd make a great SG. It's not the end of the world if you don't make it though because I think it's a mysterious selection process that even many SG's don't pass a 2nd or 3rd time.

Yea. I actually just got the name of a really great photographer that lives here in AZ. He does some awesome work and I am hoping to work with him . I am definalty going to keep trying no matter what. I still have a ton of fun doing the pictures even if they don't get accepted. I can't wait to do my next set. I just haven't decided what it will be yet. I have so many ideas. I don't know which one to do first. I am hoping to do one here soon. I have just been really busy coming up on the holidays and my grandpa is not doing well on top of a horrible week I had last week being sick and all. But things will get back in order and I will be able to shoot again. Thanks for the lovely comment.