Ok, let's start.....so..first blog, first set, first contact with you....I'm not imbarassed, I'm alienated, maybe...all these "first" in one day..I'll know you and you know me or you will not read these words written black on white in this page...and you will think maybe that I'm a standard girl, a stereotyped girl like many others....but I don't feel like that...I dance naked on my emotions and my senses everyday, I know myself and I continue to dance with him, knowing all I have to know...ok, stop me! I only wanted to say "nice to meet you" and, in Italian, "ci becchiamo presto"!
not what you make but how you make it
that sets you apart from others
e salutami quella merdaccia di filippo (nuuuu, gli vojo bene!!)prima o poi passo da lui!
Hai fatto un set? com andato???