Sunday Mar 11, 2007 Mar 10, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS jaminfairy: hey sweetie likin the new ink very sexy.... heard from T that u been unwell hope u feel better soon and hope to see u again soon, feels like forever!!! hope ur all settled in at the house and fightin ur way through the boxes, i have actually finished it all now!!! big kisses and hugs to feel better Mar 14, 2007 strawberrybomb: Haha yeah i love primark. They have soo many good bargains. People actually ask you that, omg. That is really stupid. Mar 18, 2007
likin the new ink very sexy.... heard from T that u been unwell hope u feel better soon and hope to see u again soon, feels like forever!!!
hope ur all settled in at the house and fightin ur way through the boxes, i have actually finished it all now!!!
big kisses and hugs to feel better
People actually ask you that, omg. That is really stupid.