I'm going to see
them in Bristol later this year, yay!
Went to get inked today, I'm now the proud owner of a UV anchor behind my left ear, many more stars and a few other fantabulous things besides.
Just eaten strawberries, cream and merangues(sp?). I'm a happy little bunny.

them in Bristol later this year, yay!
Went to get inked today, I'm now the proud owner of a UV anchor behind my left ear, many more stars and a few other fantabulous things besides.
Just eaten strawberries, cream and merangues(sp?). I'm a happy little bunny.

I found U ..YAY!!!
how are ur tatts doin'??
Why the fuck arnt u an SG?? ur sooo fucking cute, think it everytime u cum to the studio (sorry to be weird!!
....and one of ur past entry's, the skull and cross bone, pirate shower curtain, its mine!!! well my boyfriend has it back at his house in somerset
anyway, best go before u think i'm a complete weirdo. sorry dont talk to u much wen u cum in the studio, i always get shy around hot ladies!!
take it easy Sugar....cu soon