Drama is teh lame.
From now on, anyone who has shit with me will have to settle it by way of Dance Dance Revolution duel.
DDR + Slap across the face with a glove = You bitches got served.
In other news, I have decided my coolness peaked when I was 8. Everywhere I look, I see girls sporting these oversized sunglasses. Shit..I started that trend in 1989. And I was mocked endlessly for it. * le sigh * Thats me being rad on the left.
Now, this is the important part...
I got myself into a terrifying situation financially this week and found an eviction notice on my door after my rent check bounced. I was terrified and had no idea what to do. Some of my friends, without even being asked, got together and solved my problem, though I have never even met any of them. I have never been so proud to be in the 1:05. It really is an amazing group of people that both know and teach what friendship is really about. Please, anyone who reads this, go tell kosomot, djskandalous, Lina, DookieJones and painbearer how amazing, loved, and appreciated they are.
From now on, anyone who has shit with me will have to settle it by way of Dance Dance Revolution duel.
DDR + Slap across the face with a glove = You bitches got served.
In other news, I have decided my coolness peaked when I was 8. Everywhere I look, I see girls sporting these oversized sunglasses. Shit..I started that trend in 1989. And I was mocked endlessly for it. * le sigh * Thats me being rad on the left.
Now, this is the important part...
I got myself into a terrifying situation financially this week and found an eviction notice on my door after my rent check bounced. I was terrified and had no idea what to do. Some of my friends, without even being asked, got together and solved my problem, though I have never even met any of them. I have never been so proud to be in the 1:05. It really is an amazing group of people that both know and teach what friendship is really about. Please, anyone who reads this, go tell kosomot, djskandalous, Lina, DookieJones and painbearer how amazing, loved, and appreciated they are.
picayune (P)Pronunciation Key(pk-yn)
1. Of little value or importance; paltry. See Synonyms at trivial.
2. Petty; mean.
It's a good one, no?
just wow.