Hey guys.
Ramblings in the spoiler, otherwise enjoy the pretty pictures.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I guess it's been a while since I've updated- I have kind of lost track of time as I am in the midst of a very cold, drab Minnesota winter. I'm not usually affected by the season change, and I kind of hate allowing myself to feel frumpy, but I definitely am feeling the cabin fever. I find myself scrolling through photos of summertime, and I've already started to order seeds and start sketching out my garden plans for this season.
In order to tide me over until growing season, I have started to grow my own organic sprouts! I never realized how cheap, easy, and fun it was! I am starting off with one quart sized mason jar, but I have a feeling they will be gone in a few bites- so I think I will be stepping up my sprout game. My boyfriend had an old AeroGarden sitting in the basement, and after doing some research I decided to get it up and running too. So hopefully lots of fresh herbs on the way. I need more greenery in my life!
I graduated from my Nursing Assistant program, and am casually looking for some part time work in the field- ideally working with developmentally disabled kids. Although its a good career to fall back on, I've been seriously considering attending big-girl college again. I dropped out when I was 19- almost 6 years ago- due to a lot of craziness that was happening in my life at the time, and the overwhelming cost of college has kind of discouraged me since. I was terrified of choosing a career, spending years and tens of THOUSANDS of dollars on it, and then deciding I hate it. But now I really feel more prepared and am considering going for a Bachelors in Biology with a focus on Ecology or perhaps Environmental Science. Some big decisions to made in the coming months..
Enough words. Without further ado, here are some lovely pictures from recent happenings.
