School has gotten postponed for the moment-
my class was canceled because of lack of students signing up,
so I had to transfer to one that starts November 19.
Although it was frustrating- I am going to take full advantage of these remaining few weeks of freedom!
Been doing lots of cooking, as usual. Got to see Smashing Pumpkins!
Spending as much time as I can biking and paddling before it gets bitter cold.
Here are some photos of recent fun!

Happy Fall!
my class was canceled because of lack of students signing up,
so I had to transfer to one that starts November 19.
Although it was frustrating- I am going to take full advantage of these remaining few weeks of freedom!
Been doing lots of cooking, as usual. Got to see Smashing Pumpkins!
Spending as much time as I can biking and paddling before it gets bitter cold.
Here are some photos of recent fun!

Happy Fall!