I'm starting to love this city
can't wait for armin tonight
I'm starting to love this city
can't wait for armin tonight
weekend why are you so far away -_-
well got a little dilemma well not exactly sure what to call this. So got this girls number that i sorta knew in high school and she is very pretty nervous to talk to her because i just got out of a long term relation ship couple months back and she would be the first girl im attempting to take her out on a date...
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day z is slowly killing me on the inside i get so many items then someone kills me for them /:
this weeks episode was so ugh! Just amazing this whole season is going to be bad ass!!
go the live stream going trying out new runes today with the FF jungle item lets see if this works or fails
Thinking i should either hit up the beach or some where near the coast line in los angeles any ideas?? open for anything just wanna be in the warm cali sun!!
That moment when you stay out all night and drink and realize you have work in less than an hour
When you go out drinking and you realize you have work in a couple hours haha good thing to be young and dumb xD
started off bad worked sucked -_- but you know video games turned it around league actually gave me good teams in ranked today ^.^