Zombie photoshoot is over. Absolutely awesome fun. We drank, we laughed, we tore each other to pieces.
Bird is a surprisingly proficient cook, in that I didn't die after eating her (admittedly nice) lasagne. Out of the 15 or so people who said they'd turn up to be zombies, only two arrived, so we made do with what we could.
The plot line of the shoot changed so often I have no idea what is happening. First I was supposed to survive, then I was supposed to slot someone while eating a Cornetto ice cream, then I was supposed to pop a grenade and take everyone with me. In the end my head was severed cleanly (no idea why or how) by two of the three zombies (Bird got turned) that I killed.
Luckily the shoot wasn't serious as there's a stupid grin on my face in one of the shots I'm supposed to be serious looking, and Bird was giggling through half of the section where she was being turned. The rest of the time I have the same gormless looking, expressionless face.
Looking forward to seeing the results, though I probably won't see them until next week.
In other news, America is stealing my best friend again for three weeks. I'd like to point out that I hate America for doing this, particularly Philly.
Note: I don't hate the US, given that I played your version of football in the Irish national league here for 3 years [won two titles], played ice hockey and am currently munching on a bag of imported beef jerkey and know more of the words of the American anthem and pledge of allegiance than most Americans, I believe I might be qualified to say I don't hate, I appreciate.
When I was 4. in my first year of school, my teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I said "American". I said the same thing four years later, when I was 8. An old teacher of mine that I had back then told me this about a year ago when I bumped into her in the city.
I was a rather odd kid, huh?
Bird is a surprisingly proficient cook, in that I didn't die after eating her (admittedly nice) lasagne. Out of the 15 or so people who said they'd turn up to be zombies, only two arrived, so we made do with what we could.
The plot line of the shoot changed so often I have no idea what is happening. First I was supposed to survive, then I was supposed to slot someone while eating a Cornetto ice cream, then I was supposed to pop a grenade and take everyone with me. In the end my head was severed cleanly (no idea why or how) by two of the three zombies (Bird got turned) that I killed.
Luckily the shoot wasn't serious as there's a stupid grin on my face in one of the shots I'm supposed to be serious looking, and Bird was giggling through half of the section where she was being turned. The rest of the time I have the same gormless looking, expressionless face.
Looking forward to seeing the results, though I probably won't see them until next week.
In other news, America is stealing my best friend again for three weeks. I'd like to point out that I hate America for doing this, particularly Philly.
Note: I don't hate the US, given that I played your version of football in the Irish national league here for 3 years [won two titles], played ice hockey and am currently munching on a bag of imported beef jerkey and know more of the words of the American anthem and pledge of allegiance than most Americans, I believe I might be qualified to say I don't hate, I appreciate.
When I was 4. in my first year of school, my teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I said "American". I said the same thing four years later, when I was 8. An old teacher of mine that I had back then told me this about a year ago when I bumped into her in the city.
I was a rather odd kid, huh?
if you don't need a macbook then get an imac, don't bother with the mini it is not worth the money unless you're building it into a media center.
hi! ^^