Do not compare yourself to anyone else.
Do not let anyone compare you to anyone else.
People should accept you for who and what you are, not for what they want you to be.
You are your own person.
You have your own value system, and sense of worth.
You have your own ideals; you know what is best and right for you.
You have your own aspirations, dreams, desires, and goals. But you are not alone.
Do not hesitate to ask for help achieving them.
Do not be afraid to reach out.
Don't stop yourself from networking and getting to know the people who would be beneficial in helping you orchestrate your success in whatever endeavors you undertake.
Everyone has dreams,be they parents, friends, siblings, relatives... in most cases they only want what is best for you. However, in some cases they want to realize their dreams vicariously through you. Do not let them pressure you into living out their fantasies , but aspire to realize and to accomplish your own dreams and to create your own reality.
***Most important of all*** - You are perfect just the way you are.