I've had enough of this shit. I'm tired of feeling like i'm not good enough for anyone or believing that no matter what i set out to do i'll fail at. You know what i say. Fuck that. I am good enough. I'm good enough for those girls that act like they're too good for themselves. I'm going to lose this weight and i'm going to be the guy they want to date and i'm going to be like gee, thats too bad because now i know you're just a snobby stuck up bitch who's too superficial to have seen that i was right in front of you. I'm going to go to school and i'm going to be the best fucking chef anyone has ever seen. my food will taste amazing and famous people will come to my little rock n roll shack to get the bast damn bar gourmet they've ever eaten. I'm tired of putting myself out there and seeing nothing in return. I'm tired of feeling like i'm getting walked on. NO MORE. I'm going to be mean, ruthless and at times so evil you'll think i'm in cahoots with the devil. My inner Tyler Durden is a bad man...one that i've kept under wraps for far too long. Look out world because there's a new Delta...and after this transformation Delta will be dead. Diesel will be born. You're either with me or against me. I'd like to think you'll support me and be with me...because if you're against me...May God help you.