As I sit here with my hangover yet again I reflect. The past week has been just total epic fucking win harder than Charlie Sheen could ever be winning. I've finally moved down to Columbus. I spent two and a half days Where Rock Lives, and i was blessed with an extra 12 hours, 7 of which were drunken, with my brother from another mother...
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Wow time flew by. my bad. So i've got 9 days until I move to the wonderful world of Columbus, OH. I finally today just got accepted to the culinary school. I also today got my Rock On The Range tickets which is going to kick ass. All i need is a car and to know that my job is being transferred to be all...
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What the Hell?! My faves are full? All of the women on here are so beautiful and you're going to limit me to 20 faves? Thats like making me pick my one favorite band or my one favorite movie. I'm slightly disappointed.
It is always at the most inconvenient times in life that you find something/one that makes you smile uncontrollably. I'm still moving, i just wish i could bring her with me.
So as if it couldn't wait my car decided it was going to give me more problems. So like any smart guy i sold the damn thing. So now i'm without a car but looking. All this about a month and a half before i'm supposed to be moving. On the up and up i'm selling the crap out of things which is making it...
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Great St. Patty's Day with amazing friends. I'm going to miss a lot of people when I move but it's going to be worth it. I got 3 1/2 hours sleep last night and maybe an hour and 45 minute nap today. aside from my nap i'm pushing 24 hours and i'm so tired but i can't bring myself to sleep. i need to sleep...
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Ok so let's talk about the epic shittyness that is my ex-roommate for a moment shall we? I decide to go rock the face off of Columbus for a weekend which was quite successful but mid weekend after a night at the bar i check my e-mail to find i had one from my roommate which said "just wanted to let you know what is...
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Shit, sorry for the lame-ass. 

Thanks for all the sympathizing. Elmachi it sounds like you have it way worse than i did haha. i think at that point i'd hvae set it on fire and claimed insanity.
Finally...the only thing standing between me and my trip to Columbus is a 7 1/2 hour work day and my car's ability to make It's to hoping that tomorrow goes fast at work, the weather isn't super shitty and that my car is up for a drive down to the 'bus