had to leave work like 45 minutes early last night or else wouldn't have had a ride. Kacey picked me up and we went to Target and i got some x-mas gifts, but it looks as if i might have to return them. *shrug* she gave me some good ideas on what to get my older brother, cause he's a bitch to shop for. my mom said that she's going shopping today, so i'm going to tag along... get as much done as humanly possible.
i really really really want to go to the SGAZ holiday party this saturday, but i have to work till 12am, and anyway i dont have anyone who'll take me. whatever, just another oppurtunity for fun w/ fellow SGers.
not much else to say i guess.
last quote was The Vampires Of New York by Marcy Playground
quote for the day:
"wake up and talk to me, such long time since last night. i know we said things, the maddest things and i'm not sure it was right."

had to leave work like 45 minutes early last night or else wouldn't have had a ride. Kacey picked me up and we went to Target and i got some x-mas gifts, but it looks as if i might have to return them. *shrug* she gave me some good ideas on what to get my older brother, cause he's a bitch to shop for. my mom said that she's going shopping today, so i'm going to tag along... get as much done as humanly possible.
i really really really want to go to the SGAZ holiday party this saturday, but i have to work till 12am, and anyway i dont have anyone who'll take me. whatever, just another oppurtunity for fun w/ fellow SGers.

not much else to say i guess.
last quote was The Vampires Of New York by Marcy Playground
quote for the day:
"wake up and talk to me, such long time since last night. i know we said things, the maddest things and i'm not sure it was right."