showing how he's almost as tall as our mom
thats all i have to say.
shit that makes me obscenely happy:

hideous, hokey "blessed" candles from the dollar store
i used to have 2, but they melted in storage. i have one unprinted one now, but i want a collection.

episode 9 of Firefly - Ariel
hell, every episode makes me happy.

my friend Lori's 5 year old daughter, Verity

Blue Wrath by I Monster from the Shaun Of The Dead soundtrack (its the happy supermarket music during the opening credits)

chunky mashed potatoes

yellow curry with steamed rice

Boone's Farm Fuzzy Navel

Andre Spumante. i had my first taste last week at my friend Lori's. what can i say but i like cheap wine

air conditioning

sleeping pills (for sleeping! its nice to be knocked out and not have to struggle to get to sleep and stay asleep)

autumn weather. not that it ever looks like this here, but i just cant wait for the weather to get cooler

going bowling. i'm so excited i get to go on Sunday! i'm super rusty, but it'll be fun.

this scene from Myra Breckinridge. i tried so hard not to laugh when i watched it with Lori a few days ago, but i couldnt help it. i always lose my shit during that scene.
the voice of Nada Surf's frontman, Matthew Caws
waffle fries from Chick Fil A
this cutesy pictures
reading Amanda Palmer's blog
spinage dip from Applebee's. i'm pretty sure i could eat an entire platter myself right now
Martinelli's sparkling apple cider
Dylan Moran's standup
this picture of Jarrod. actually, there's a whole series of them and they all make me smile. he strips down pretty much as soon as he gets home and does house work and the like naked. here he is cooking dinner.
sleeping in my own bed
mosque alarm clocks! i must have one!
Dont Stop Believing by Journey. shut the fuck up
naughty cross stitch
creepy thrift store finds
it would make me insanely happy to cuddle with and give millions of kisses to Jarrod right now
no word in 2 weeks. i have a feeling he sold his labtop, being that he hasnt posted a new blog or been on myspace at all. he could just be busy with the show and junk. i really hope thats all it is.
needless to say this list is comprised mostly of things i do not have.