i've decided whenever i have disposable income again, i must have a knitting themed tattoo... i was running searches alt crafting...

i would never do this, but i fucking love it!
some rad crafty shit i came across

knit reinactments from Shaun Of The Dead

cross stitch Breakfast Club cast

gotta find a pattern for one of these, to make for the boyfriend

again, i'd love to make for the boyfriend. only he probably wouldnt find it nearly as amusing as i do

knit Ash from Evil Dead/Army Of Darkness (i think i must copy this for my best friend's hubby)

i was putting off learning to crochet, now i must!
i've put the rest under spoiler for ease of viewing...clicky for more weird ass crafty shit
I reeally want to learn to knit. And thanks for the set comment lovely.
cool knitting pics. Hopefully everyhting will work out for you, this recession is sucking..good luck D and try to keep a positive outlook..