things have been nutty on the homefront.
i couldnt get an internet connection for 2 days so that was frustrating...
the boyfriend has been dealing with work shit due to his getting sick at work. they're really cocks
been doing a shit-ton of driving, which i hate.
the boy has a stage hand job at a concert venue in phoenix, and its about a 20-30 drive from my house. typically he doesnt get done with work til way past the bus and metro stop running, so i've been giving him rides. i got lost the first time and that was scary. the safest place i could pull over and stop and text him for help was a jack in the box next to a strip club.
on saturday my best friend found out the sex of her baby. they're having a girl! already know they're naming her Evan (after Evan Dando. if it was a boy they were naming it Ash, for Bruce Campbell's character in the evil dead series. that'd be her husband's influence)
so that's pretty exciting. saw the sonogram video... WB (for white baby. its an inside joke w/ her and her husband. when she got her puppy, it didnt have a name for like 2 weeks, so they just called it Brown Puppy until she picked a name. so until now, husband has been calling the baby White Baby since they didnt know the sex) sort of looks alien/monster like. there were some very scary bits where it looked like an otherworldly demon thing...i got a still on my cell phone where it looks like a zombie fetus (now i'm callig it ZB for Zombie Baby)
yesterday my boyfriend came over to fix my mom's computer and she was a total cunt to him.
i gave her shit over it later, and she insists it wasnt intentional, but i do think she's pissed i'm happy in a relationship and she isnt.
so he left pretty upset, thinking she hates him. and also a bit offended becasue he spent his WHOLE only day off working on her fucking pc and she didnt seem even slightly greatful. argh.
i could have just killed her. i was so mortified by her behavior.
now today she said i could take him to drop some papers at work, but if i went now i'd have to come right back cause she wants to go hang with her tweeker friends. i tell her to go now, thinking she'll be an hour or two. tell him, hoping its ok and he says its cool so long as its done by 7:30pm. as she stormed out the door she was saying 3 or 4 hours.
its 5:20pm right now.
when i got my car repo'd she said i'd have nearly full use of her car, other then when she's working, cause she doesnt go anywhere. me and Jarrod were still on the "break" at that point, and no one believed we were getting back together, so she didnt take into account i'd be wanting to see him, or even he'd need rides being that his Vespa is STILL in the shop (good news today though. it should only be about another week)...and now she's always coming up with places she needs to be.
she's trying to sabotage my relationship, i fucking know it.
i couldnt get an internet connection for 2 days so that was frustrating...
the boyfriend has been dealing with work shit due to his getting sick at work. they're really cocks
been doing a shit-ton of driving, which i hate.
the boy has a stage hand job at a concert venue in phoenix, and its about a 20-30 drive from my house. typically he doesnt get done with work til way past the bus and metro stop running, so i've been giving him rides. i got lost the first time and that was scary. the safest place i could pull over and stop and text him for help was a jack in the box next to a strip club.

on saturday my best friend found out the sex of her baby. they're having a girl! already know they're naming her Evan (after Evan Dando. if it was a boy they were naming it Ash, for Bruce Campbell's character in the evil dead series. that'd be her husband's influence)
so that's pretty exciting. saw the sonogram video... WB (for white baby. its an inside joke w/ her and her husband. when she got her puppy, it didnt have a name for like 2 weeks, so they just called it Brown Puppy until she picked a name. so until now, husband has been calling the baby White Baby since they didnt know the sex) sort of looks alien/monster like. there were some very scary bits where it looked like an otherworldly demon thing...i got a still on my cell phone where it looks like a zombie fetus (now i'm callig it ZB for Zombie Baby)
yesterday my boyfriend came over to fix my mom's computer and she was a total cunt to him.
i gave her shit over it later, and she insists it wasnt intentional, but i do think she's pissed i'm happy in a relationship and she isnt.
so he left pretty upset, thinking she hates him. and also a bit offended becasue he spent his WHOLE only day off working on her fucking pc and she didnt seem even slightly greatful. argh.
i could have just killed her. i was so mortified by her behavior.
now today she said i could take him to drop some papers at work, but if i went now i'd have to come right back cause she wants to go hang with her tweeker friends. i tell her to go now, thinking she'll be an hour or two. tell him, hoping its ok and he says its cool so long as its done by 7:30pm. as she stormed out the door she was saying 3 or 4 hours.

when i got my car repo'd she said i'd have nearly full use of her car, other then when she's working, cause she doesnt go anywhere. me and Jarrod were still on the "break" at that point, and no one believed we were getting back together, so she didnt take into account i'd be wanting to see him, or even he'd need rides being that his Vespa is STILL in the shop (good news today though. it should only be about another week)...and now she's always coming up with places she needs to be.
she's trying to sabotage my relationship, i fucking know it.

Don't sweat the mom. My mother-in-law has never liked me, and it works great
He is with you for you and not because who your mom is or how she acts.

that sucks about the mom. try and stay focus and as soon as you can get the hell out of there. Good luck my friend.