so i'm at my boyfriends apartment right now... he got sick at work and they ended up taking him to the ER. i guess he had flu symptoms and vertigo. i go to pick him up, and i cant believe how shitty the personal at the hospital are. they gave him something that made him even more sick and then they're asking him his birthdate, social security number, etc etc. and of course they cant understand him because he's sedated and mumbling though an accent, so he ends up repeating himself 50 times before they get anywhere...and they fucked up his last name! when i got there, they couldn't even find him for several minutes. fuckin' a!
so i'm spending the night here to take care of him. just got back from the store, he requested Coke and mac n cheese... and he's forgoing the prescriptions because 1) he's broke and has no insurance, 2) whatever they gave him there only made him feel worse, 3) they fucked up his first and last name on the form....
he can hardly stand up and they're trying to get him to sign his release papers and telling me its gonna cost $600 out-of-pocket!
the only good thing that may come out of this is now maybe he'll finally be able to get into the state-run welfare medical system to get his more serious health issues taken care of.
other than that not much to say... i'm fighting a bitch of a headache but that's nothing new...

i saw this at the store earlier and the headline pisses me off more then anything...
1. this girl is not a role model! she should not be put on the cover of a magazine!
2. the headline quotes her saying "if girls realized the consequences of having sex, nobody would be having sex" (emphasis my own)... i have problems with this on many levels... first of all, its really if they knew the consequences of unprotected sex nobody would be having sex... um...maybe i take for granted that i received proper sex-ed in school and had a progressive mother, but even before i started school, i knew where babies came from! sure, i didnt know the exact mechanics of it, but grasped the concept. this is a 17 year old girl here! i can understand where maybe she wouldnt know about catching some gnarly disease or infection from sex, but we're talking basic human reproduction!!
my second issue is that she says ''if girls knew...'' why the fuck does it rest the shoulders of girls? and either way, yes they would be doing it, because teenagers especially have an "it wont happen to me" mentality. bleh...
i will say that i had an iota of respect for bristol palin because she did have the guts to say in an interview that obviously abstinence only education doesnt work... but now i'm reading that she's touring, giving abstinence talks around the country?! wtf?! i hope at least she's giving practical information, like use a fucking condom, or take some fucking birth control!!
why dont people understand this?! teenagers are going to fuck no matter what!! we could tell 'em that you'll grow horns or they'll die of the black plague, or it kills kittens or whatever bullshit excuse we want, but they're still gonna fuck!!!
give them the info they need. teach them how to take care of their bodies. provide information on health and reproduction, grant access to clinics, various forms of birth control, condoms etc. but on top of that, teach them some self respect and you wont have to worry. i got very progressive sex ed in school and at home, but more importantly my mother taught me to respect myself.
i waited til i was 20 years old to have sex. it wasnt for a particular reason, just i wanted my first time to mean something and i didnt really date in high school so i never go the chance. i fucked the first guy i got into a serious relationship with. i was in a hurry at that point really. i was the only virgin i knew... but that didnt mean i wanted to regret it later. the worst thing in life is to have regrets... i think i'm pretty rare in my generation in that i had a good experience with my first time. we were sober, we cared for one another, we stayed together for several months... and hell i knew more about sex then most people i knew, who'd been doing it since they were 15 or 16. i knew self-love. i stole my brother's porn regularly. hell, i knew i was a submissive before i'd ever touched a penis. lol
bah, i'll stop venting now. it just really really REALLY REALLY irritates me.
****edit to say i just read Sylvia Plath's son killed himself this week
**********edit 5/25 1:18am***************

I NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
career retrospective of my favorite band, Nada Surf, ON VINYL!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck fuck fuck! i need $106!!!
aural exploits
so i'm spending the night here to take care of him. just got back from the store, he requested Coke and mac n cheese... and he's forgoing the prescriptions because 1) he's broke and has no insurance, 2) whatever they gave him there only made him feel worse, 3) they fucked up his first and last name on the form....
he can hardly stand up and they're trying to get him to sign his release papers and telling me its gonna cost $600 out-of-pocket!
the only good thing that may come out of this is now maybe he'll finally be able to get into the state-run welfare medical system to get his more serious health issues taken care of.
other than that not much to say... i'm fighting a bitch of a headache but that's nothing new...

i saw this at the store earlier and the headline pisses me off more then anything...
1. this girl is not a role model! she should not be put on the cover of a magazine!
2. the headline quotes her saying "if girls realized the consequences of having sex, nobody would be having sex" (emphasis my own)... i have problems with this on many levels... first of all, its really if they knew the consequences of unprotected sex nobody would be having sex... um...maybe i take for granted that i received proper sex-ed in school and had a progressive mother, but even before i started school, i knew where babies came from! sure, i didnt know the exact mechanics of it, but grasped the concept. this is a 17 year old girl here! i can understand where maybe she wouldnt know about catching some gnarly disease or infection from sex, but we're talking basic human reproduction!!
my second issue is that she says ''if girls knew...'' why the fuck does it rest the shoulders of girls? and either way, yes they would be doing it, because teenagers especially have an "it wont happen to me" mentality. bleh...
i will say that i had an iota of respect for bristol palin because she did have the guts to say in an interview that obviously abstinence only education doesnt work... but now i'm reading that she's touring, giving abstinence talks around the country?! wtf?! i hope at least she's giving practical information, like use a fucking condom, or take some fucking birth control!!
why dont people understand this?! teenagers are going to fuck no matter what!! we could tell 'em that you'll grow horns or they'll die of the black plague, or it kills kittens or whatever bullshit excuse we want, but they're still gonna fuck!!!
give them the info they need. teach them how to take care of their bodies. provide information on health and reproduction, grant access to clinics, various forms of birth control, condoms etc. but on top of that, teach them some self respect and you wont have to worry. i got very progressive sex ed in school and at home, but more importantly my mother taught me to respect myself.
i waited til i was 20 years old to have sex. it wasnt for a particular reason, just i wanted my first time to mean something and i didnt really date in high school so i never go the chance. i fucked the first guy i got into a serious relationship with. i was in a hurry at that point really. i was the only virgin i knew... but that didnt mean i wanted to regret it later. the worst thing in life is to have regrets... i think i'm pretty rare in my generation in that i had a good experience with my first time. we were sober, we cared for one another, we stayed together for several months... and hell i knew more about sex then most people i knew, who'd been doing it since they were 15 or 16. i knew self-love. i stole my brother's porn regularly. hell, i knew i was a submissive before i'd ever touched a penis. lol
bah, i'll stop venting now. it just really really REALLY REALLY irritates me.

****edit to say i just read Sylvia Plath's son killed himself this week
**********edit 5/25 1:18am***************

I NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
career retrospective of my favorite band, Nada Surf, ON VINYL!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck fuck fuck! i need $106!!!
aural exploits
what irks me more is that she's given a magazine cover!! she is not a role model for teenage girls. she should not be commended!