i dont know what its all about but i guess you could say i've been lucky in bed lately.
let's start from the begining...
after that date went sour i was feeling sorry for myself and was looking through my matches on this free dating site (i are lame, yes). about 60 pages of guys in my general area who are supposedly good matches for me in, i spot a pale redhead with killer blue eyes that are intense even through the little thumbnail... reading through the page and looking at the goofy ass pictures posted, I soon realize that it is an old friend of mine from high school. a different one then the one i've been speaking of... this kid was a year older than me and we had a class togeather (criminology) and had many of the same friends and he even dated one of my nearest and dearest girlfriends right out of high school. there were a couple kids named Chris in our circle of friends, so due to his red hair, he got dubbed Red Chris. (there was also one who went by Other Chris. i suppose because they couldnt come up with anything better
I had run into him a while back at the local video store, where he didnt remember me until he read my name on my debit card... we talked briefly but never made solid plans to catch up. Also he found me on Myspace but again, not much was said... So I decide to shoot him a message, just saying hello and wow, cant believe i keep finding people i know on this site, and whoa, the site says we're kind of compatible, who would have thought, eh?.... i get a very excited response back in no time at all and we finally make concrete plans to hang out.
well, we spent a better portion of the weekend hanging out, and by saturday i was pretty much feeling a little romantic tension. we stayed up til like 9am talking..when i drove him home he said he would call me after his band practice (metal). took me a bit back...i was enjoying hanging with him alot but was surprised by his eagerness. it was well past 1am on sunday night/monday morning when i got an email from him telling me to get offline cause he wanted to call me (i only have dial up. again, lame). again, very eager. wtf?
he calls and we talk for like 2 hours. he admits he's a tad drunk and i'm on 3 sleeping pills (had shit to do the next day) so we slur back and forth at eachother...make plans to hang out on monday, he says he'll bring over Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, one of his favorites which i hadnt seen and he throws in at the end of the sentance something about maybe having sex.
i'm thinking "where the fuck did that come from?" but just giggle and tell him maybe if he plays his cards right (so lame. sleeping pills, remember) trying to be flirty without making any kind of promise.
monday night, he comes over, we watch Fear & Loathing, which i greatly enjoyed
(and i though johnny depp was amazing befor this. fuck. he should have gotten an oscar nod for this role)
and durring the movie Chris starts like putting his arm around me and stroking my arm and thigh and such...
later we watch Myra Breckenridge
(being one of my favorite films, that i've been desperately trying to get someone to watch with me)...he says he got it and liked it so that charmed me... more chatting, arm touching, hair stroking...end up watching a Margaret Cho stand up. before we know it, its daylight so we both try to settle in and try to sleep a little, but almost as soon as the lights are off (black sheets on the window, yo) he makes his move.
we make out for a while, hands begin to roam, clothes come off. his penis is gigantic! especially compaired to the last two guys i've been with...p meets v if you know what i'm saying... after a bit he seems determined to quash my no-man-has-given-me-an-orgasm status, so sets to giving me the best oral sex i've ever had. i was amazed that he needed zero instruction on how to touch my clit. shocked, i tell you
and i he does get the trophy for being the first to get me there...it wasnt major, but it was definitely an orgasm. yay!
the most hysterical thing happened then, just after i manage to gasp to him that i came, i realize my right arm and hand are totally numb. i couldnt feel it from my shoulder down. and my hand was cramped into a tight, awkwad position. i could move it but only with great effort...what made this great though was that i was hysterically laughing the whole time. after about 7 minutes the feeling comes back and my hand uncramps.
we finally sleep after this, til about 2pm (such lazy bums) when it all begins again, but only i'm way too sore for him to even go near my vag. so i set to work giving him a bj. durring he blurts out how this is the best blowjob he's ever had, which he reiterates later
(go me. fuck yeah)
it was so good that he was visibly discombobulated for a good 10 minutes after.
unfortunately it was time for him to leave because he need to get ready for class. i drive him home (only like 3 miles. pretty convient) and i get a very lovely kiss goodbye and he tells me he'll call or email me when he gets home from class.
so that's enough to the story i guess. i feel sort of like a tramp because that's 3 guys in like 3 weeks. kinda slutty dont you think?
i honestly dont think the thing with Ron is going to go anywhere. we havent even talked for over a week. my mom insists that he's probably all scewed up and doesnt know how to take it but whatever... i really cant see much coming out of it. but i do have every intention of hashing it out with him, if for no other reason than to save our friendship.
the nice thing is that i definitely think something more is going to happen with me and Chris. he's already pretty much acting like a boyfriend.
i visited my mom for a little while (when there to wash the sheets
) and told her that i do think i'll bringing him home something soon. you know when you have a feeling about something. the only thing that concerns me is that he is still on really good terms with his ex, who is my good friend, Julia.
(on the left. not the bride)
i hardly ever see her but i'm still concerned with how she might feel about it. its been years since they broke up but still...part of me wants to ask her if she's cool with it (not that i know how to get ahold of her, but still). she's one of the most kind, generous, genuinely good people i know and would avoid anything that might hurt her at all.
meh. we'll see i suppose
other shit:
my mom took me grocery shopping on sunday so now i have food. yay.
i picked out a powdered egg flower soup mix that i'm pretty excited about making here soon.
i got alfalfa sprouts but they smelled super bad so i had to throw them away
wal-mart's split top wheat bread is surpisingly good.
i got buttload of beef flavored ramen! so happy. 24 packs for $3. love to eat it uncooked right out of the package. yum.
i also got some bottles of boone's farm fuzzy navel, so now i can really feel like white trash

let's start from the begining...
after that date went sour i was feeling sorry for myself and was looking through my matches on this free dating site (i are lame, yes). about 60 pages of guys in my general area who are supposedly good matches for me in, i spot a pale redhead with killer blue eyes that are intense even through the little thumbnail... reading through the page and looking at the goofy ass pictures posted, I soon realize that it is an old friend of mine from high school. a different one then the one i've been speaking of... this kid was a year older than me and we had a class togeather (criminology) and had many of the same friends and he even dated one of my nearest and dearest girlfriends right out of high school. there were a couple kids named Chris in our circle of friends, so due to his red hair, he got dubbed Red Chris. (there was also one who went by Other Chris. i suppose because they couldnt come up with anything better

I had run into him a while back at the local video store, where he didnt remember me until he read my name on my debit card... we talked briefly but never made solid plans to catch up. Also he found me on Myspace but again, not much was said... So I decide to shoot him a message, just saying hello and wow, cant believe i keep finding people i know on this site, and whoa, the site says we're kind of compatible, who would have thought, eh?.... i get a very excited response back in no time at all and we finally make concrete plans to hang out.
well, we spent a better portion of the weekend hanging out, and by saturday i was pretty much feeling a little romantic tension. we stayed up til like 9am talking..when i drove him home he said he would call me after his band practice (metal). took me a bit back...i was enjoying hanging with him alot but was surprised by his eagerness. it was well past 1am on sunday night/monday morning when i got an email from him telling me to get offline cause he wanted to call me (i only have dial up. again, lame). again, very eager. wtf?
he calls and we talk for like 2 hours. he admits he's a tad drunk and i'm on 3 sleeping pills (had shit to do the next day) so we slur back and forth at eachother...make plans to hang out on monday, he says he'll bring over Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, one of his favorites which i hadnt seen and he throws in at the end of the sentance something about maybe having sex.

monday night, he comes over, we watch Fear & Loathing, which i greatly enjoyed

(and i though johnny depp was amazing befor this. fuck. he should have gotten an oscar nod for this role)
and durring the movie Chris starts like putting his arm around me and stroking my arm and thigh and such...
later we watch Myra Breckenridge

(being one of my favorite films, that i've been desperately trying to get someone to watch with me)...he says he got it and liked it so that charmed me... more chatting, arm touching, hair stroking...end up watching a Margaret Cho stand up. before we know it, its daylight so we both try to settle in and try to sleep a little, but almost as soon as the lights are off (black sheets on the window, yo) he makes his move.
we make out for a while, hands begin to roam, clothes come off. his penis is gigantic! especially compaired to the last two guys i've been with...p meets v if you know what i'm saying... after a bit he seems determined to quash my no-man-has-given-me-an-orgasm status, so sets to giving me the best oral sex i've ever had. i was amazed that he needed zero instruction on how to touch my clit. shocked, i tell you

the most hysterical thing happened then, just after i manage to gasp to him that i came, i realize my right arm and hand are totally numb. i couldnt feel it from my shoulder down. and my hand was cramped into a tight, awkwad position. i could move it but only with great effort...what made this great though was that i was hysterically laughing the whole time. after about 7 minutes the feeling comes back and my hand uncramps.
we finally sleep after this, til about 2pm (such lazy bums) when it all begins again, but only i'm way too sore for him to even go near my vag. so i set to work giving him a bj. durring he blurts out how this is the best blowjob he's ever had, which he reiterates later

it was so good that he was visibly discombobulated for a good 10 minutes after.
unfortunately it was time for him to leave because he need to get ready for class. i drive him home (only like 3 miles. pretty convient) and i get a very lovely kiss goodbye and he tells me he'll call or email me when he gets home from class.
so that's enough to the story i guess. i feel sort of like a tramp because that's 3 guys in like 3 weeks. kinda slutty dont you think?
i honestly dont think the thing with Ron is going to go anywhere. we havent even talked for over a week. my mom insists that he's probably all scewed up and doesnt know how to take it but whatever... i really cant see much coming out of it. but i do have every intention of hashing it out with him, if for no other reason than to save our friendship.
the nice thing is that i definitely think something more is going to happen with me and Chris. he's already pretty much acting like a boyfriend.
i visited my mom for a little while (when there to wash the sheets

(on the left. not the bride)
i hardly ever see her but i'm still concerned with how she might feel about it. its been years since they broke up but still...part of me wants to ask her if she's cool with it (not that i know how to get ahold of her, but still). she's one of the most kind, generous, genuinely good people i know and would avoid anything that might hurt her at all.
meh. we'll see i suppose
other shit:
my mom took me grocery shopping on sunday so now i have food. yay.
i picked out a powdered egg flower soup mix that i'm pretty excited about making here soon.
i got alfalfa sprouts but they smelled super bad so i had to throw them away

wal-mart's split top wheat bread is surpisingly good.
i got buttload of beef flavored ramen! so happy. 24 packs for $3. love to eat it uncooked right out of the package. yum.
i also got some bottles of boone's farm fuzzy navel, so now i can really feel like white trash

damn that was kinda hot!

Hahahaha. It was kinda, wasn't it?