not much to say really.
work has me exhausted. who knew selling dildos all day would be so tiring?
my brain really hurts.
i found the best website ever. polyvore.
its like whoever created it had me in mind. fucking awesome. i've spent too many hours on it in the past week.
i just ate some of my roomates cold leftover mash potatos with my fingers and they were fucking amazing.
all for know.
i'm going to eat my potato, take some sleeping pills, and crash.
work has me exhausted. who knew selling dildos all day would be so tiring?
my brain really hurts.
i found the best website ever. polyvore.
its like whoever created it had me in mind. fucking awesome. i've spent too many hours on it in the past week.
i just ate some of my roomates cold leftover mash potatos with my fingers and they were fucking amazing.
all for know.
i'm going to eat my potato, take some sleeping pills, and crash.

Underated work sellin dildos
