not much to update about.
the sex shop is getting easier...
i lost my last $52 in the parking lot of a wallmart.
i sliced my thumb open and then bought hello kitty bandaides
today is wendsday so a new mythbusters is on hurray!!
they've released Get Smart on dvd. i'm so excited. that was one of my favorite shows when i was little. i watched alot of nick at night. i grew up on dragnet and i love lucy and make room for daddy.
and i have no intention of seeing the movie. they're only going ot ruin it for me.
the sex shop is getting easier...
i lost my last $52 in the parking lot of a wallmart.
i sliced my thumb open and then bought hello kitty bandaides
today is wendsday so a new mythbusters is on hurray!!
they've released Get Smart on dvd. i'm so excited. that was one of my favorite shows when i was little. i watched alot of nick at night. i grew up on dragnet and i love lucy and make room for daddy.

and i have no intention of seeing the movie. they're only going ot ruin it for me.
you going?