i'm officially a smut peddler!!
i did my paperwork today and start training on tuesday which still leaves me available to go see nada surf on monday!!! yay!!!
i got a little product guide w/ my new hire packet and was reading up on toy materials when i decided to take a break and update here.
so all in az come and visit me at the superstore on elliot in tempe, but only after i've done my training...i dont want to fuck up. i'll keep all posted.
hurray! we're all set for my soon-to-be-sister-in-law's bachelorette party now w/ that 50% discount! woot!!
ok...how funny and NOT sexy are these? really, fetish knee pads? it just reminds me of that scene in pretty woman when she stops unbuttoning his pants all of the sudden and gets up for a pillow to kneel on...kind of sort of priceless
in other news i played tennis w/ kristin and her boyfriend and his 12yr old brother tonight. my right foot hurts alot. i think there is something messed up w/ my sneakers.
the 12yr old is very inquisitive....it was a bit unnerving. i felt like i was being set up for something...he asked me who my favorite actor was i said ewan mcgreggor and after thinking a minute added michael pitt... telling the kid he was in murder by numbers thinking that would be the only movie of his that he would have seen... i explained that the movie was really a modern spin on the leopold/loeb case from chicago in the early 1900s i believe. info about the case here... it always interested me for some reason. also anyone further interested should see Swoon. its not the best film ever made, but its good, especially to anyone w/ any interest in the case... anyway...after this brief explanation he (the 12 yr old brother of my friend's boyfriend) asks me what my favorite murder case was? just a little weirded out that a 12 yr old was asking me...but replied w/ the black dahlia case...he named BTK...WTF?? a 12 yr old knows enough about the btk killer to be following the case...i dont think it's more than an healthy curiosity, such as i have, but i'm surprised to see it in someone so young. as the night progressed i was asked who my favorite serial killer was (i wouldnt say i have a favorite...but am most interested in Ted Bundy. his answer was Gacey...again wtf?), favorite poet (patti smith and allen gisnberg as a close second, his was robert frost, edgar allen poe and jack kerouac. sophisticated bugger, i know), favorite author (poppy z brite and chuck palahniuk, his was stephen king), did i like Dahli (some), do you like will farell (no. adding that i didnt know why he was even allowed to continue to make movies)... i felt sort of like i was being grilled...when i asked him who his favorite artist was, first he asked what kind of artist; writer, painter, director, etc... i said all togeather, the top of the tops in your mind...his reply was quentin tarantino.....WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS KID GETTING THIS STUFF?!!
i'm not saying its bad at all and actually i do know where he's getting it...his brother...as i've mentioned before caris has excellent taste (except in movies i think, last night he made us watch jeepers creepers2 and parts of dark ride on the scifi chanel i think i pissed him off w/ all my question asking and poking fun )
i'm officially a smut peddler!!
i did my paperwork today and start training on tuesday which still leaves me available to go see nada surf on monday!!! yay!!!
i got a little product guide w/ my new hire packet and was reading up on toy materials when i decided to take a break and update here.
so all in az come and visit me at the superstore on elliot in tempe, but only after i've done my training...i dont want to fuck up. i'll keep all posted.
hurray! we're all set for my soon-to-be-sister-in-law's bachelorette party now w/ that 50% discount! woot!!
ok...how funny and NOT sexy are these? really, fetish knee pads? it just reminds me of that scene in pretty woman when she stops unbuttoning his pants all of the sudden and gets up for a pillow to kneel on...kind of sort of priceless
in other news i played tennis w/ kristin and her boyfriend and his 12yr old brother tonight. my right foot hurts alot. i think there is something messed up w/ my sneakers.
the 12yr old is very inquisitive....it was a bit unnerving. i felt like i was being set up for something...he asked me who my favorite actor was i said ewan mcgreggor and after thinking a minute added michael pitt... telling the kid he was in murder by numbers thinking that would be the only movie of his that he would have seen... i explained that the movie was really a modern spin on the leopold/loeb case from chicago in the early 1900s i believe. info about the case here... it always interested me for some reason. also anyone further interested should see Swoon. its not the best film ever made, but its good, especially to anyone w/ any interest in the case... anyway...after this brief explanation he (the 12 yr old brother of my friend's boyfriend) asks me what my favorite murder case was? just a little weirded out that a 12 yr old was asking me...but replied w/ the black dahlia case...he named BTK...WTF?? a 12 yr old knows enough about the btk killer to be following the case...i dont think it's more than an healthy curiosity, such as i have, but i'm surprised to see it in someone so young. as the night progressed i was asked who my favorite serial killer was (i wouldnt say i have a favorite...but am most interested in Ted Bundy. his answer was Gacey...again wtf?), favorite poet (patti smith and allen gisnberg as a close second, his was robert frost, edgar allen poe and jack kerouac. sophisticated bugger, i know), favorite author (poppy z brite and chuck palahniuk, his was stephen king), did i like Dahli (some), do you like will farell (no. adding that i didnt know why he was even allowed to continue to make movies)... i felt sort of like i was being grilled...when i asked him who his favorite artist was, first he asked what kind of artist; writer, painter, director, etc... i said all togeather, the top of the tops in your mind...his reply was quentin tarantino.....WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS KID GETTING THIS STUFF?!!
i'm not saying its bad at all and actually i do know where he's getting it...his brother...as i've mentioned before caris has excellent taste (except in movies i think, last night he made us watch jeepers creepers2 and parts of dark ride on the scifi chanel i think i pissed him off w/ all my question asking and poking fun )
awesome i'll have to visit sometime
so wait we're you being set up with a 12 yr old? im confused
that's super odd that the kid knew about tarantino i think i was still watching dizney movies then