went bowling with Kristin last night. that was fun.
i beat my best score of 113, my new top score is 121.
her sexy boyfriend super under-charged us. we stayed and talked to him and his funky looking serbian friend for a while after the bowling alley closed. i decided that i know what is so striking about him: he looks directly into your eyes when he's talking to you. it's very disarming.
she almost told them about my dirty dream with him in it though. i could have killed her.
my old friend from elementary, jr. high, and high school, Marisa has been talking with me on myspace too. it looks like she might come bowling with us on tuesday. she's a mom now. that's so fucking weird. in 3rd grade we were in the same class and we're standing right next to each other in the class picture. she was wearing a purple sweater and her bangs covered her eyes. haha. that's just from memory. i can remember what i was wearing too but that's too embarrassing.
hah, i just remembered she was the first girl i ever kissed in any way. we would play chicken, the kind where you stick out your tongue and move towards eachother and try not to be the first to pull away, and neither of us would ever pull away. haha! and in jr. high, for some reason we got into this thing were we'd pretend we were girlfriends. i dont know how that ever came up... i have a lot of fond memories when it comes to that girl.
i just got Heavenly Creatures in the mail on saturday . still haven't watched it though.
still not looking forward to the damn gyno appt. ugh ugh ugh.
and i changed my profile picture on myspace for the first time since i started the damn profile. i went from my black and white arty one to a sexy one. i dont know how long that'll last though. i dont like to follow the trend on myspace. that's why i haven't personalized my profile background. it's still all white. just the way it came when i started the stupid thing.
wish me luck on my doctor appt.

i beat my best score of 113, my new top score is 121.
her sexy boyfriend super under-charged us. we stayed and talked to him and his funky looking serbian friend for a while after the bowling alley closed. i decided that i know what is so striking about him: he looks directly into your eyes when he's talking to you. it's very disarming.
she almost told them about my dirty dream with him in it though. i could have killed her.
my old friend from elementary, jr. high, and high school, Marisa has been talking with me on myspace too. it looks like she might come bowling with us on tuesday. she's a mom now. that's so fucking weird. in 3rd grade we were in the same class and we're standing right next to each other in the class picture. she was wearing a purple sweater and her bangs covered her eyes. haha. that's just from memory. i can remember what i was wearing too but that's too embarrassing.
hah, i just remembered she was the first girl i ever kissed in any way. we would play chicken, the kind where you stick out your tongue and move towards eachother and try not to be the first to pull away, and neither of us would ever pull away. haha! and in jr. high, for some reason we got into this thing were we'd pretend we were girlfriends. i dont know how that ever came up... i have a lot of fond memories when it comes to that girl.
i just got Heavenly Creatures in the mail on saturday . still haven't watched it though.
still not looking forward to the damn gyno appt. ugh ugh ugh.
and i changed my profile picture on myspace for the first time since i started the damn profile. i went from my black and white arty one to a sexy one. i dont know how long that'll last though. i dont like to follow the trend on myspace. that's why i haven't personalized my profile background. it's still all white. just the way it came when i started the stupid thing.
wish me luck on my doctor appt.

Good luck at the gyno.
Don't customize the layout! Or if you do, be sure it actually works. There are so many layouts that people use that are complete crap - you can't read things or the page stretches way across, etc. It's like people don't seem to even notice how bad they look.
As for my crush - I guess I just haven't had one, and the feedback from people tells me that I'm the odd one out for not having them regularily. I guess it's just that I'm not used to the experience of feeling like a jabbering idiot with someone. I mean, I'm sure I may come across that way with many people, I just don't feel like one normally.