Well I guess starting this year by thanking everyone who helped make last year improve so much by the end is always apt!
Had a wonderful Christmas! the best I have had in a very long time! Got to go see Skye and her lovely man for a few days and had an absolute ball!! Thanks will never be enough, made the whole year so much better and started the new off incredibly well!
New year will, I hope, bring many more opportunities to meet new people and the friends I already have.
With a new car coming on the 3rd of Jan, I should be able then to go see so many more people, go to more meets and just generally have or opportunity!
Planning on going back to University to do a masters soon, I really don't enjoy my job and hope that the expertise I will gain from my masters and the experience in water systems I already have will propel me into a better job, naive perhaps but fingers crossed.
January also holds the wonders of sguk meet and the sg black heart burlesque, should be such an epic time of friends and fun! cant wait to see all the people there and at the meet before and afterwards!
One hopes that you all had a splendid new years and I thoroughly look forward to meeting as many of you as I possibly can!!