Right been a while since I have updated i suppose....
I have now relocated to another area of Kingston in a great house albeit a rather chilly one....Despite this the 3 people I am currently living with are brilliant and quiet!
My dissertation is not coming on too well as the data collection from the London Underground companies seems to be going rather slowly....this has led so a slight stress begining to form =/
This time next month I shall be approaching Sydney with 4 of my university freinds ready to emabark upon quite the adventure I would think lots of work, drink and food! hopefully meeting some interesting people along the way.....I am out there for a month at any rate!
Life seems to be plodding along at any rate University hand in dates are rushing forwards and the work to complete keeps building up, my mother seems to be getting rather ill currently with a bit of luck it is only temporary mind you.....
Looking forward to seeing everyone from SGUK again on the 9th should be a great night out!!
Until later then
I have now relocated to another area of Kingston in a great house albeit a rather chilly one....Despite this the 3 people I am currently living with are brilliant and quiet!
My dissertation is not coming on too well as the data collection from the London Underground companies seems to be going rather slowly....this has led so a slight stress begining to form =/
This time next month I shall be approaching Sydney with 4 of my university freinds ready to emabark upon quite the adventure I would think lots of work, drink and food! hopefully meeting some interesting people along the way.....I am out there for a month at any rate!
Life seems to be plodding along at any rate University hand in dates are rushing forwards and the work to complete keeps building up, my mother seems to be getting rather ill currently with a bit of luck it is only temporary mind you.....
Looking forward to seeing everyone from SGUK again on the 9th should be a great night out!!
Until later then
Top bloke, great friend and good laugh to be around(expect groping
). lol 

Was nice to get to speak to you (even though it was only briefly) at the recent SGUK London meet. Hope you're doing good