In this time of convenice
what are we fighting for
when the ones you thought you loved
turn there back and walk away
all those friends you that made you strong
fade away into a forgoten past
when desperation and depression rein supreme
when then do we turn
what then must we do
When the world is at its blackest....
sorry got distracted there for a moment =D
well now that sweets have arrived happiness abounds
sorry bout the rant
Give love for Wine gums, mentos, fruitgums,
skittles and friut pastals
what are we fighting for
when the ones you thought you loved
turn there back and walk away
all those friends you that made you strong
fade away into a forgoten past
when desperation and depression rein supreme
when then do we turn
what then must we do
When the world is at its blackest....
sorry got distracted there for a moment =D
well now that sweets have arrived happiness abounds
sorry bout the rant
Give love for Wine gums, mentos, fruitgums,
skittles and friut pastals