feelin a little better today.. at least not feeling like the world is coming to an end...thats a plus right?

hurrah for moms making you feel better. my mom has been down in the dumps lately and even though she's feeling crumby she took the time this morning to make funny faces at me, sing me a stupid little be happy and smile song...and make me bring afunny looking stuffed flower to work ...all to make me smile. how great is that? and of course theres always max here to slobber me with kisses cause he's all cuddly

tomorrow i have a wedding to go to and sunday is out to walkerton for mothers day and a birthday combination. Kinda sucks cause its supposed to rain all weekend...those things are always better when its nice outside.
tonight I will have to have the pleasure of doing laundry and getting max ready for my mom. She doesnt like big dogs at all, so its amazing she let me even move here with him...but shes offered to watch him this weekend while I'm away. I think his goobery smile and bug eyes are winning her over.
Uh oh...mothers day, that's what I forgot.
Thanks so much for the comment on my debut set!!