I am incredibly happy today is nearly done, workwise.
Went & had the boys at Male Image cut the hair one last time before I flee, now I need drinks. Potrero & Mariposa, here I come..must...wait...for...bar...to...open...
Things are weird right now, I believe it's that spirit-traveling-before-the-body thing. It might also be that I've had the swans running through my head all day. Makes me want a mint julep, a porch swing, and some good folks in New Orleans!
Blah. I hope I get to be the southwestern USA SG rep!
Went & had the boys at Male Image cut the hair one last time before I flee, now I need drinks. Potrero & Mariposa, here I come..must...wait...for...bar...to...open...
Things are weird right now, I believe it's that spirit-traveling-before-the-body thing. It might also be that I've had the swans running through my head all day. Makes me want a mint julep, a porch swing, and some good folks in New Orleans!
Blah. I hope I get to be the southwestern USA SG rep!
I know that there is one in town, whether or not it's one of the one's that youre thinking of, i'm not sure. You know how bars can be. Changing locations but keeping the name, changing the name but keeping the management... The El Mocambo has come and gone so many times, I dont even know where it is right now.