Hi! It's been a while, while I have said many times I want to be more active it seems I'm a slacker. That being said I would like to tell you about me and some things on my mind. I shall enter some photos too, cause lets face it, we are visual creatures.
Thing 1. A little about me.. Idk if it's because I'm a Gemini or if that even really matters, but my whole life is one interruption on myself. I'll be so into reading for months and then I'll drop a book in the middle and decide I want to play clumsy ninja on my phone until I get bored of that, then I'll relentlessly watch the ID channel for weeks, only to decide I should really finish that book I was reading. That being said as the girl that buys a new planner at the beginning of the year and uses it until January 17th and never looks at it again, I have a problem with schedules, planning and being on time. (Also blogging on a regular basis)
Thing 2.
Thing 3. I'm deep inside my mind trying to figure out wtf I'm gonna do with my life. My job of 10 years is coming to an end in about 2 weeks. I'm getting a decent severance, but I'm starting to freak the fuck out.. I haven't looked for a job in over 10 years, I forgot how! I do want to take some time off and maybe travel and visit some people and some of them are ladies I've met on the site! Exciting and scary all wrapped up
Thing 4.
Thing 5. My car has been sitting in front of my house for about a month, blown head gasket that I don't have the money to fix right now. Probably the most frustrating thing ever. Getting rides sucks! Give me back my freedom!
Thing 6.
Thing 7. My step mothers mom is 98 and they expect her to pass away any day now... The funeral is planned for wed... She's still alive... Am I missing something??
Thing 8. I love this site, I love most of the people I have met, I promise I'm trying to be more active and I guess once jan 24th gets here I'll have a lot of free time, so hey, maybe I can successfully pull that off.
Thing 9.
Thing 10. I've been sleeping with my best friend recently and had to give him a rule.. That rule is I don't want to know about any other ladies he may be with, I don't really feel jealous, just don't want to know. Call me crazy but it seems like it may work for me.. For now.
Til the next time little fishes
IG @eternaldelirium
Tumblr eternaldelirium.tumblr.com