So I have this need to type a naughty confession. So here it goes, I've had a crush on this beautiful man for a few years now, he knows about it and has known about it. At the time of my first discovery of him (friend of a friend) he was recently heartbroken and a terrible emotional mess. I flirted relentlessly. He used me as a support group I talked to him about his deepest feelings and such as I had been through something very similar in my past, need I mention he's 11 years younger then me? No I didn't think that was at all important.
so we have remained close friends and over the past 2 1/2 years have had a few actual touching experiences, nothing more than a drunken kiss, or dancing on each other at a party. He has since gotten back with his ex (the one who so injured his heart) and they recently had a baby.. But the flirting continues. It's a secret. And it gets very graphic at times through text. I admit that I have reservations about the guilt involved after all my divorce was through a similar situation (another woman) but I so want him, I feel I will give in soon and let it happen, let the secret become real. He begs me to come make a secret moment with him and I feel I cannot resist much longer. I'm battling inside my head with the feeling of wrongness, but I'm not sure that I can hold myself responsible completely, after all he's a willing participant. Idk. I just needed to get that out as anyone I could talk to about it would condemn me for the thought. Thanks for reading
Xo Gabryelle

Xo Gabryelle
Sounds like trouble, just don't do anything you'll regret later. Wow, 11 years younger? You don't seem old, he's a baby haha. If you both want it I'd say go for it, you only live once. However, pain and drama may follow
Good luck and take care. 

I agree with ab. Go for it. What ever happens, which ever decision, you will have problems, but at least if you give in you will know what you stand and how you fell. If you don't for the rest of your life you will wonder. Good luck.