Some things I'm noticing with my post (or lack thereof)
- Boyfriend related: Minus a follower
- Make up less post: Minus a follower
- No post: Minus a follower
My conclusion?
Tough shit.
It's my profile
But I do need to work on being more active.
Honestly, my life is quite stale. I can't even compare it to stale bread because at least with stale bread there's still texture.
My life; it's tasteless (in the most boring way) and flat.
The most exciting thing that happened to me is I found out my response to when someone in person compliments me.
Guess what I do. I laugh awkwardly.
And not in the cute awkwardly laugh. The noise that came out of me when my guest told me I was one of the prettiest girls they met was cross between Goofy's laugh and a wheezy cough. No lie. They were so taken aback my guffaw they sat quietly and moved their head slightly back almost offended. I then quickly had to explain why I'm such a odd bird with compliments.
Anyways, that happened Halloween night and it really made my night.
BUT the point of this blog was to touch base with my lovely followers and get some input.
Years back I tried starting a Vlog thing answering any inquiries you may have of me. That didn't last very long. Again I thank my bland life. The only reason I wanted to start something like that was to get over my nervousness but talking at a camera and hearing my own voice was daunting. But I would like to have another whirl at it. This time I'd like to do something along the lines of a reaction video type thing? I know well over done but I strangely enjoy zoning out to these videos whenever I get trapped in the Youtube void. If I do go at this I'd like some ideas or if there's something you'd like me to review or talk about let me know. I'd like to keep these videos down to 10 minutes and below.
This could be your chance at seeing me eat weird shit or see my face retch in disgust at whatever you want.
I love trying new things so if there's a treat you know of that I can purchase anywhere in the U.S; I'll do it!
or if there's an outfit you'd like me to see me wear, if it's reasonably priced, I'll buy it. Keep in mind, I'm not rich so.... think peasant thoughts
-Laughs poorly-
What do you think of that.
Would you watch it?
Later days