Do you ever wonder why you do certain things or why you do the things you do?
Everything happens for a reason. Every little encounter or event or interaction that passes through your day will some how impact you. Even a look can change the course of your day, month, year etc.
My life isn't the greatest but I don't have much to complain about.
Any decision I have ever made was always done following my intuition.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned having terrible anxiety. I know a handful of people that suffer from it also. What I have told them how I deal with it is by taking out the element that's causing me to be anxious in the first place.
The what ifs
I don't want to wake up one day or stay up all night stuck on thinking 'what if i did this' or 'what if i did that'
No more.
Like jumping into the pool. You're going to be in it anyways, why wait. Just do it.
I resonate so deeply with this quote. When I came across it, it was like a fresh breath of air.
I could never really put into words how I feel about dating or relationships in general without sounding like a single crazy lady that can't find a date for the weekend but dating has always been an enigma for me. Maybe it's my anxiety that keeps me from getting close to anyone (it's one element) but I can't seem to wrap my brain around the idea of dating. Rather seeing myself with someone, it honestly makes me happy to see two people that are meant for each other in love.
Welps, my dating history is on the noobish level. My sexual partners are in the single digits and I only actually felt anything "real" for three guys.
Sad, I know
But I'll be damn if I don't trot on the path that doesn't feel right.
Have you folks ever been to a psychic or went to get a tarot card reading?
They're fun. I wouldn't spend money on them. I've been fortunate enough that I happen to know a couple of readers and every time I get a reading my cards always read the same.
What did the cards tell me?
I'm very headstrong and when I make any decisions it's always by my gut instinct. (And they happen to mention I'm going to need a man that is stronger or is as strong as me to be my partner. Mentally and/or physically)
Sorry I keep bringing up soppy relationship shit.
I think the Hallmark Valentine's day advertisement is getting to me but someone that's emotionally dead inside like me can't help but think about eventually being in a relationship and maybe, possibly, be married one day.
I'm taking this adulting thing step by step. Relationships will be on the back burner until I get that Feeling again. I'll gladly wait for the real thing.
Meh, I need to stop
Later days