What do you folks think about this? Gals and gents.
A week ago I got into a heated debate about this with a friend. I was telling her how that when I go out I never get hit on or approached. No matter how I dress or how my body language says to anyone. I don't get approached period. My cousin (lets call her Lady) shes very attractive and i told our friend 'guys like girls like my cousin. For one thing, she's very attractive and she doesn't look aggressive like i do. The friend went on to say, I'm pretty too and the pat on the back comments to rub my self esteem (thanks) but what irked me about the conversation was that she told me guys like to feel like men, to be needed. I get that. Everyone wants to feel needed, man or women, but why would I need to change my being just so some guy will give me their number?
Anyways, it took me years of hardening my insides so when i hit a rut I'm able to pick my self up and dust off the shit (of course, after crying my eyes out in private and venting to my core group) I move on.
Sorry, I needed to rant about this. In the realm of dating I'm very much a novice and for me its hard to deal with feelings because of my anxiety i like to fuck shit up and make myself believe it wont even work out. I understand, people will hurt me no matter what, I'm just being cautious and finding people worth that hurt.
In the words of Bob Marely "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."
Later days