My panties finally came in!
Give me a week and be ready to feast your eyes on my lacy clad booty ♡
Hope everyone is having a good week. Mines been 'eh'. Anyways, finally have a day off tomorrow but got lots to do :(
What has everyone been up to? Today at work i had some girl talk with a co-worker. It was nice. Like, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (which are feeling really stiff. Give me a massage someone!!!) Now i get why girls talk about feelings and shit, i like it. I need more female girls to chat with.
Welps, see my booty in a week!

Glad you have some of the weight off your shoulders. A massage would defiantly help. I studied some but couldnt complete.

Glad you're feeling better after your girl talk. Always helps to talk things out. Massages always help too. If you were closer, you could put my hands to work!