ok sos kinda short update. well frist off..no pics yet. well none of x-mas moprning because my camera was for some reason dead so we ended up opening presents while they charged
sorry. anyways...got a lot fo kool stuff...3 "Pearls Before Swine" books, a "Profondo Argento" book which is AWESOME. buncha clothes which i like, buncha dvd's which i like, a new watch (oooohhhhhhh - ahhhhhhhhh) and things here and there and the sweetest thing is my girlfriends dad bought me this Grim Reaper statue while in Cozumel on a cruise. it's about 7 inches tall, and its the grim reaper sitting on a chair, with a base of skulls and his foot's on the world, also it's all made out of FISH BONE! how fucking awesome is that? i'll take some pics of it definently. it's hand made and everything. well i gotta go off to work.

Take care.