Ah. Saturday morning..mmm...9:30..mm...3 hours of sleep. and now i get to work 11-6. i'm so excited. anyways...so i guess i'll go on about my adventures of Friday. well i had class til 1, then work at 4, nothing exciting yet..work was fine other than all the football teams coming to see "Friday Night Lights", but it wasn't that busy or anything. Got off at 11, my friend Art came and picked me up and we were off to Diamonds. Got there, met Mike, ShabbyDo, and Prosaic Muse. There was another guy there, but i didn't really get his name, but they all seemed pretty cool. Sorry i didn't talk or anything really, i'm a really big introvert before i get to know people, so i can't start conversation on my own. But i''m glad i went, and it was nice to meet all you...i'd prob just do better with a dinner type setting where i can hear everyone and not be oogling at girls. lol. Oh, and i have to say, guys, who ever the "cat ears" girl that kept talking to you, i was damn jealous. She was ungody beautiful. but yeah, over all a good night. left Diamonds around 2:30-3:00 and went to steak-n-shake. ate some pancakes...mmm...but their pancakes always kill my stomach so it was only enjoyed for a little while. left there about 4 or so and came back home. well on the way back home, got a call from someone i hadn't heard from in a while, and plus it was 4 in the morn so i stopped over there for a while, got back home about 6 and crashed. now im dead tired and getting ready for work. this ought to be a fun day but thanks again guys...it was nice meeting ya.
More Blogs
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
ok sos kinda short update. well frist off..no pics yet. well none of … -
Friday Dec 24, 2004
wow. well then sorry for the no update in a while. things have been h… -
Thursday Dec 16, 2004
blah blah blah. i'm tired. better update later -
Monday Dec 13, 2004
so yes...got my x-mas tree. that was fun. we spent like 10 mins findi… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2004
Update time! ohhhh yeah. i know your all excited. well it's not real… -
Thursday Dec 09, 2004
holy shit. Dimebag Darrell was killed. this is horrible. may he R.I.… -
Wednesday Dec 08, 2004
watched blade:trinity last night..it was ok. loved ryan reynolds in i… -
Monday Dec 06, 2004
fuckin a. i watched "swimming pool" last night and since i was bored… -
Sunday Dec 05, 2004
im in a great mood since last night! i hope this lasts a while -
Wednesday Dec 01, 2004
Sometimes you do something, and you get screwed. Sometimes it's the t…
oh... and the cute "cat ears" girl is peachygrrrl, she's a super good friend of mine actually... but friday nite was her last nite there... she'll be working out @ pure platinum in cbus which is the place our next guys nite out is gonna happen!
the other guys from the site that were there were patch & micah!!!
thanks for coming though!!!